Intranet Smart
Reports Tool

Consolidated analytics data with charts and diagrams
(Power BI and Google Analytics)

Get Insights with LS Intranet Analytics

LS Intranet Smart Reports is an easy way to provide a good quality review on how Intranet works. A company should always be aware of their issues and how to solve them.

Useful Intranet is basically a compilation of queries, popular content, and contributor.

Analyze workers

With the help of intranet analytics, you will be able to be notified of the behavior of your workers. You will be able to analyze their habits which will make it easier for you to make decisions for them.

You will be able to distinguish your workers’ behavior using key fields such as File Share, News Feed, and Blog that are already in LS Intranet Smart Reports which will organize your information for you as well.

Create an impressive
digital workplace

Anything impressive never fails to attract people. Similarly, an impressive workplace will attract workers to visit often and engage in work.

LS Intranet provides information on how to modify your workplace to increase staff visits. Increasing workers visit also toughens relationships in the company.


The LS Intranet Smart Reports Tool gives a way for people to visit and search for queries. If the company gets an insight on what the workers are looking for and what is required, they will be able to take necessary steps.

Information should be completed so that employees are engaged into the intranet.

Recognize active

The Intranet tool also provides you with Intranet Analytics through which you will be able to determine most active and passive workers.

You will be able to watch employees’ likes, comments, shares and then score their contributions to know the degree of your workers’ influence.

Reports, KPI’s
& BI

Available data visualization software in the tool will help you make comprehensible reports regarding many information in the company. Research has also proven that visually presented information is memorable and logical.

With the assistance of LS Intranet Smart reports you will be able to investigate key figures and portray them visually.

To spread awareness among every worker, corporate KPI’s and date should be made more educational.

LS Intranet is an easy way to make yourself understand your user’s activity, Intranet flaws and display regular data and information in a more attractive and comprehensible way.

With statistical reports, you will be aware on how to increase collaboration and participation among staff members.

Check how it works!

Survey Intranet Feature | LS Intranet

Arrange polls or voting on any topics among employees. LS Intranet Survey Tool will help to find out opinions quick by involving all the team members. Analyze the results on the go.

Intranet Feature for Employees | LS Intranet

All your team is right here. Just click on the avatar and get required information with Our Team LS Intranet widget.

Intranet Events Widget | LS Intranet

All the important company events are available to check. LS Intranet Calendar tool shows what will happen today this week or month in the corporate life.

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