Intranet problems

Even the most prolific tools in the market have issues. So, it’s not unusual to find intranet problems derailing your internal comms strategic plans.  After years of experience using the intranet, we have noticed various complaints. Here are the top concerns facing intranet users and administrators. 

1. Procedural Documentation

Many companies keep their information and data in shared drives something which makes it hard for their employees to access files.  Teams have to use browsers to log in to the site which requires a lot of procedures to follow before one login. Some legacy company intranet software constitutes of drives containing documents with hundreds of subfolders. 

This makes it difficult for an employee to trace the actual document, he/ she requires.  But through the modern corporate intranet, the employees are provided with a platform where they can easily sign-in and access the documents more easily. Through People’s Directory, employees only use their work details to register and login to the work portal. 

 2. Junk Information 

intranet problems

The portal may contain too much content than it supposed to hold, making the information inaccessible.  Invisibility is a common intranet problem that prevents users from getting the most out of these collaborative platforms.  

To make information easily accessible, the company can create an archive folder for certain types of documents where they can access after a certain time. 

3. Poor Navigation 

intranet issues

Most people find it difficult to use corporate intranet leading to annoyance if the navigation tools are not intuitive. This can be solved in several ways, for example, training of staff on how to use the intranet, watching tutorial videos and educating the users. 

4. Lack of Information 

It should be hassle-free to access data on the intranet home page for employees. For example, an intranet user may search for a certain document on the home page yielding no results in the search box, thus frustrating the employee.  

To resolve this intranet problem, the company should set their portal in such a way that data is accessible at the home page. This is achieved by organizing the information and documents in a way that similar documents are grouped for easy access through one click at the home page.

5. Administrative Workload  

If the company assigns one employee to manage the entire platform, work overload can lead to underperformance. These tasks include managing activities such as answering questions, editing employees’ details, tagging online documents, posting photos and videos in the news feed and posting corporate news regularly. 

The company can solve this by giving more employees user rights to control the portal to promote efficiency and streamline workflows. 

6. Low User Interaction

Intranet problems

When managers and project managers lack interaction with their subordinates, there will be restricted information flow in the company.  This poses a problem since the lack of information causes bottlenecks in the company which can lead to bigger management issues.

You can overcome this intranet problem by providing a versatile platform where data and documents can be easily accessed. Flexible platforms allow intranet admins to ensure that there is a smooth flow of information among the staff in the company.

7. System Failure 

Naturally, company intranet software is faced with problems such as system shutdowns probably due to attack by computer viruses. The shutdown makes the intranet portal inaccessible to employees and staff making it difficult to access important documents information that may be urgently required.

The company can solve this by installing antivirus software, carrying regular maintenance of the portal and ensuring the intranet portal is updated.

Resolving these intranet problems can take time and money, but with a tested and proven intranet vendor on your side, you are cushioned from these issues. Our LS Intranet team can optimize your system to increase uptime hours, intranet usage and overall user experience. Call or chat with us for more information.

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