advantages and disadvantages of intranet

While intranets are impeccable collaboration tools that can shift the way operations and interactions are carried out in ideal working environments, like any other software they have their shortcomings. Disadvantages of intranet may differ from one market to another because of the dynamism that exists between corporations. Today, we’ll focus on four major drawbacks of intranet and how organizations may overcome them.

  1. Deployment Costs

The cost factor comes in when the advantages of the intranet are ostensibly unfeasible because of the costs incurred when deploying the service to companies. Company intranet may force organizations to upgrade their IT infrastructure and put up stringent security to safeguard the data shared across the interaction platform. Where users need additional features, the company must subscribe to a pricy package.

Solution: Before rolling out any intranet program you need to weigh the disadvantages of the intranet against its benefits. Usually, companies reap indirectly from the platform so you must access its influence on employees, value for investment and if it gives you a competitive advantage.

  1. Security Concerns

Since company intranet is a free space where everyone in the organization can download and share files, it is effortless for users to distribute infected data without their knowledge. Other users may use weak encryption keys making their accounts vulnerable. With the current increase in ransomware, companies need to be vigilant to avoid malware, spyware and other malicious Trojans that can damage the company’s crucial documents.

Solution: Staff should be trained on the best security practices to avoid placing the company in susceptible situations. Regular updates of various security and networking tools should be carried out to foster the security of the shared files.

  1. Organizational Change

One major disadvantage of the intranet is that poses a direct threat to companies who practice vertical managerial styles. Introduction of the collaboration platform means that managers and their subordinates meet in a social platform where they interact freely which may affect delegation of tasks to a specific person without raising eyebrows.

advantages of intranet

Solution: The executive team should train both managers and junior staff on how to use the company intranet while still keeping their professional statures. One of the advantages of intranets is building organizational culture, but with the misinformed workforce, this can backfire.

  1. Controlling Information

It’s interesting that the intranet finds its robustness in areas where it can be detrimental if the objective fails. One unprecedented advantage of the intranet is that it allows seamless sharing of information in the workplace but the quality of information shared can be worrisome. Some information shared may cause attrition among the staff which lowers productivity.

Solution: Overcoming this disadvantage of intranet requires the personnel in charge of the communication to clearly stipulate policies and regulations that govern the type of information shared. Configurations also need to be made to filter out certain words when users are interacting in forums, commenting on blogs and engaging in project discussions.

Even after implementing the measures that we’ve mentioned above, you’ll find that in one way or the other, your intranet still does not live up to its promise. To eliminate the disadvantages of the intranet fully, you need to join hands with experts in this industry. LS Intranet has an outstanding record as it offers a cost-effective and successful intranet services to small, medium and large enterprises. Join our team today, and you won’t be disappointed.

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