microsoft intranet software

In a competitive environment, when you want to stay upfront and maintain your stamina for a substantial amount of time, you’ve to be innovative and use hi-tech tools to power up your processes. Modern organizations have fewer workforce teams seated behind desktops. Most employees either work remotely or they’re on the move trying to increase sales.

The question is, how can you manage the broadly dispersed teams? How can you make them work harmoniously? The secret is utilizing Microsoft intranet software alongside your usual collaboration tool. Microsoft’s O365 is proven and tested portal that centralizes tasks, people and processes.

It’s a lens that the management team can use to zoom in distant organizational operations and make better decisions. So, what makes this Microsoft software an ideal platform for integrating with other intranets?

microsoft intranet software

  1. Security

Most Microsoft’s software is known for its salient security features. Office 365 uses top security and privacy protocols to keep the data within the intranet safe. All users are required to log in to be authorized by the system. Admins can create communication and community sites/subsites and set different permissions for these sites.

  1. Better Document Management System

Office 365 is Microsoft intranet software tailored for organizations that need to keep their files in organized repositories. The tool can integrate with CRM data to help you create reports on what employees discuss on their sites and what the customers actually want. The use of metadata and tagging system enables you to version documents with ease ensuring that users get the latest versions of insurance, privacy and security policies without a hassle.

  1. Deeper Insight of Individual Productivity

As a manager, you can create a subsite for your team, create projects and assign each employee his/her part. This can include teams working in remote stations. You can as well put training manuals and other important files on the site for the team to use in developing the project. The most intriguing is that this Microsoft software enables you to manage your team no matter your location.

microsoft software

  1. Strong Search Engine

Over time, information and data grows and accessing documents can be a real hassle without a strong search tool. This Microsoft intranet software has a robust search feature that tags documents for future reference. This allows one to get relevant search results by only typing the keyword.

Therefore, if you want to build a resilient, flexible and reliable intranet system, consider integrating this Microsoft software within your collaborative infrastructure. The advantage of LS intranet is that it comes Office 365 integration so the choice is yours whether you want to use it or not. If you want to experience the true power of intranet platforms, consider LS Intranet and O365. You won’t regret.

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