Staff Intranet for Talent Retention

It is not debatable anymore whether power lies in the hands of the workforce. For that, most companies are implementing new talent attraction, recognition and retention techniques to enfranchise their teams to compete effectively.

Research conducted by TINYpulse shows that 23% of new talents are happy to stay in an organization with clear onboarding processes. Employee retention is not an easy process but with tools such as staff intranet, businesses can expedite the process with ease.

Automation Mechanisms

As recruits enter a new workplace, they are bombarded with an avalanche of training manuals, house rules, work policies, and too much paperwork to handle. Don’t scare recruits with loads of paperwork; instead, use employee intranet to automate your onboarding processes.

With employee intranet, you can create a team site designed to training recruits and retraining your existing staff. E-learning is gaining popularity as it is a less costly method of training different teams. The online platform ensures that all guides and materials and information that would otherwise require months of classroom training is available on one platform.

High Workforce Churning Rates

High staff churn is one of the biggest issues small and large corporations face. With an increasing shortage of skills and expat teams, firms are engaging in competitive staff retention techniques to secure a skilled labor force.

Staff intranet couldn’t have come at a better time. Now, SMBs and large corporations can use the online portal to attract and retain teams. This tool unifies the principles underlining comms and collaboration by instilling a sense of communism to the workforce. People can comment on blogs, read the news feed, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, share documents and reach out to their bosses with ease.

Talent Recognition

Most companies fail to retain their best teams because of the old-fashioned recognition system –that appreciates bosses for the efforts of the junior staff. With employee intranet, things are different and better. Managers can appreciate the work of each contributor through the platform.

The staff intranet offers a transparent and visible platform that encourages fair recognition of talents. The intranet talent recognition system is by far better than that of structured rewards and financial incentives. It allows recognition of the altruistic actions of employees. Teams are recognized for their acts of kindness, involvement in CSR activities and other non-monetary tasks that improves the culture and reputation of the organization.

Culture Growth

We can view culture in the lenses of behavior. It mirrors the moral and value system of an organization. Companies with positive culture enjoy good press which reflects job satisfaction levels and employee engagement. Best talents will bounce from one enterprise to another until they land on an organization known for their great culture.

Employee intranet provides you with tools and features to engage teams, bolster internal communication and streamline collaboration. Organizations with strong culture recognize the effectiveness of the intranet in nourishing the employee lifecycle – attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, and retention.

Next-generation corporations are built by skilled talents who can be developed and retained in an organization. If you want to cushion your enterprise from uncertainties of employee turnover, consider staff intranets. Talk to us at LS Intranet and we’ll give you valuable information regarding intranets and how they can assist your organization. Call or email us today!

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