5 Ways of Earning the Loyalty of Millennials Using Social intranets

Millennials and generation Z are twice as likely the previous generations (cynical GEN X and materialistic Baby Boomers) to be disengaged at work. Today, GEN Y form the bulk of the workforce and they’ve been cited severally as ‘whiners,’ tech savvy, job-hoppers and entrepreneurial. As key stats indicate, it is difficult for firms to attract and retain GEN Y as their employees. Learn how to keep Millennials happy and dedicated working with your organization by considering the following tips.

  1. Provide Impeccable Learning Opportunities

50% of Millennials could consider quitting their jobs if it is not providing learning experiences and robust career development roadmaps. As a startup or burgeoning enterprise providing learning opportunities may mean stretching your resources.

Provide Impeccable Learning Opportunities

However, with social intranets you can provide training to your employees cost-effectively. Intranets give the chance to create sites for trainings as well as share informative learning materials to employees that enable them to develop their expertise and knowledge.

  1. Understand Millennials Better

Nurturing business culture implies having your HR officers understand the social and cultural attributes of workforce teams. As we speak, a third of employees in corporate spaces are Millennials and understanding them could help you keep them around longer. This generation loves technology, new challenges, dynamic workplaces and diverse organizations. Social intranets will help you gauge the values of Millennials, which will help in creating opportunities that suit them.

  1. Align Your Business Goals to Support Beliefs of Millennials

A Deloitte Report shows that most of the Millennials perceive that businesses have no other goal other than making profits.

Align Your Business Goals to Support Beliefs of Millennials

You can get to know your team better by using social intranets that enable you to monitor their interactions and create inferences from their discussions to establish what best works for them in your company. Tailor your business goals in a manner that is consistent with what this generation cherishes.

  1. Spice Your Workplace With Tech Tools

Gartner research illustrates that 42% of Millennials use real-time messaging and social media at work and 32% use storage or sharing applications. So, why not embrace these attributes in your workplace? Use social intranets such as interactive and intuitive intranet portals that offer opportunities for Millennials to express themselves. With these social intranets teams can engage in real-time using their mobile devices, laptops or iPads. They can cooperate in projects, tap into the database to retrieve versioned documents and share fun by liking, commenting and sharing blog and forum posts within the site.

  1. Inspire Transparency and Trust Culture in Your Organization

A study shows that Millennials are 22 times more likely to stay in a company if the corporation has high trust culture as compared to Baby Boomers. Social intranets provide you with the ideal platform for nurturing transparency and inculcating trust culture among employees.  Through training activities, you develop leaders in a highly engaging and transparent platform, something that contributes to positive business culture.

We cannot ignore that it is time for the Millennials to spin the wheel under our close watch. We can make them better, develop our goals around theirs and embrace their positive attributes. As LS Intranet, we are giving you affordable, flawless and easy way of achieving this through our SaaS cloud intranet. Talk to us via the contact buttons below so that we can give you more insights about engaging your millennial workforce.

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