Avoid Turbulence in Your Intranet Project by Following These Simple Steps

So, you have been looking for a reliable project management tool and finally purchased an intranet. Congratulations! As a manager, you know the stakes. You need to know the foundations of a robust project plan.

Here are some of the tips that can make your next intranet task management tool a success.

  1. Set your Roadmap Clear by Properly Defining your Goals

Layout everything clearly and set your goals straight.  Keep your objectives SMART and develop your platform around the needs of your organization. Go for a user-centric intranet.

Set your Roadmap Clear by Properly Defining your Goals

Optimize the task management tool in your portal to meet your goals regarding blogs, polls and surveys, people directory, community sites, news sites, and departmental sites.  Your goals act as yardsticks for measuring and monitoring progress.

  1. Elect Project Team Leaders

Intranets act as the common project management tool in several number of ways. You need team leaders who manage tasks and ensure the entire team is on the same page.

Leaders connect organizational resources to various personnel partaking a particular project.  They ensure that members are actively involved in their respective roles.

  1. Create a Sitemap

Develop a sitemap using a tool like Visio or simply build a hand-drawn one to describe your intranet’s layout. The sitemap will prove to be a central asset in your task management tool as it helps you identify various roles with their respective players. Additionally, it also helps the project steerers to stick with the project’s timeline.

  1. Give Permissions to Project Leaders

Make the management process by allowing personnel with elevated privileges to make changes and search for critical information in the portal. Leveraging your intranet as a project management tool helps in creating, verifying, parsing, and approving project processes quickly.

  1. Create Impactful UX

Honestly, your intranet will be no different from run-of-the-mill project management tools if it doesn’t proffer value to users.  If it is out-of-date, congested, or difficult to traverse, it will be challenging for users even to perform basic tasks. Poor user experience kills trust, morale, and patience.

Before going live with your project, release a beta form for testing purposes. This will help avoid any pitfalls that might give your intranet users a bad user experience.

  1. Recognize Talents and Motivate Innovators

As a task management tool, a corporate intranet facilitates interactions from all corners of the organization. The sharing of user-generated content encourages collaboration among your employees.

Recognize Talents and Motivate Innovators

Recognizing personnel efforts will help your workforce utilize well-thought approaches when executing company projects.

  1. Plan Your Intranet Project Timeline

A social intranet is a helpful task management tool that helps you stick with your project timeline. Your organizational needs will determine your intranet project’s timeline. When scheduling your activities, ensure that you factor in various factors that might cause delays. By so doing, you will be able to run a successful intranet project.

  1. Get Started

This is the last and most imperative step. Remember, without executing your plan; it will just remain to be a plan. Collect your team, communicate with them, and get the ball rolling.

If you need a perfect project management tool with guaranteed results, check out the LS intranet.

If you want to run your next intranet project without hiccups, consider LS Intranet task management tool. Our software is easy to use and provides you with the necessary tools to make your project successful. Contact us for any inquiries, and our 24/7 support team will guide you.

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