intranet for small business

Brick-and-mortar retail stores are downsizing, shifting their systems to e-commerce or closing down unprofitable outlets. Lack of employee interactions, dissatisfaction, and redundancy, are some of the reasons why the retail sector is experiencing high rates of workforce turnover. A Gallup study shows that firms whose teams are engaged are likely to increase their productivity by 17%. With an engaged workforce, customer ratings are set to increase by 10% as profits soar high by 21%. Creating an intranet for your small business can bolster engagement, but it can also come alongside with other benefits such as improved workplace culture, cost-effective training, and seamless connections to dispersed teams.


Consider Walmart personnel, which can comprise of inventory managers, drivers, customer service assistants, and those working inside the stores. At which point in time, will these teams interact and share their knowledge? This is the case with most retail outlets. When groups are fragmented and disconnected, it is an uphill task for a business to develop and forge up shared goals. With an intranet for small business, retail stores can develop a secure platform where all staffs regardless of their departments and job description can relate, share ideas, and collaborate.

creating an intranet for a small business

Through small intranet solutions, enterprises can utilize onboarding processes and peer-to-peer communication to bolster business culture. It is easier for dispersed teams to develop the desire and zeal to attain organizational goals when they are connected together through the intranet.


One of the reasons why there is high workforce turnover in retail firms is because of lack of career growth schemes that would enable talents to grow and develop their skills. Creating an intranet for your small business via the cloud is the first step towards decreasing the turnover rates.

small business intranet solutions

HR managers can create a site dedicated for training within the portal so that users can easily access video tutorials, live video conferencing, and other training materials. Since intranets for small businesses are intuitive, they can be used in mobile devices and PCs, allowing trainees to attend e-training sessions wherever they are.

Retail enterprises are siloed with each department performing unique functions. Small business intranet solutions are great tools for breaking these siloes. It allows managers to quickly notice upcoming talents and nurture them for leadership positions through mandatory leadership training via the platform. Since appraisals are undertaken through the platform to promote transparency, it is easy to highlight high performers without sifting through dozens of paperwork.

Fast, Reliable and Real-Time Access to People and Information

Workers can sometimes find it problematic connecting to their bosses when they need to help. By the time they reach out to them, an unresolved issue would have caused damage that could have been avoided if the employee contacted the manager on time. With intranet for small business, features such as People Directory provide employees a chance to access contact details of managers and other workmates. Under the user’s profile, one can access email address, phone number, position, and department of a person.

LS intranet combines these capabilities with other top-drawer features such as the Search Tool and Document Management system that allows employees to search and access all documents with ease. LS intranet also offers small business intranet solutions at affordable prices for all businesses regardless of size. Call us today to get started with a powerful workplace interaction portal customized for your business.

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