employee intranet

Apparently, you’re in a tight spot because you’ve shoved all your energy and resources into a system that as it seems, it doesn’t interest your teams. The MIT Sloan Management Review and Capgemini Consulting survey findings point that 63% of managers believe that adoption and use of new technologies in their organizations is slow because of lack of urgency.  Implementing and getting users adopt an organization-wide is a battle HR managers must face.

How can you get employees use the new system? How can you instill a sense of urgency to workforces to using the new company tech tool? You’ve recently either upgraded your employee intranet, switched from on-premise to cloud intranet or you’re just introducing it as a new collaboration tool in your business.  We’ve highlighted some of the tips that we believe will help you get teams your new business interaction platform.

Brand New System

Considering that your business is introducing the intranet for employees for the first time, it means that workforces don’t know anything about the platform. They’ll ask several questions, some will lurk and avoid using the system; some will try to use but will be turned off by complexities while others will learn the ropes quickly.

Through our interaction with numerous businesses using employee intranet portal, we’ve come to conclusion that the following tips can help introduce your employee intranet to the workforce:

  • Incentivize usage of the platform through monetary rewards, badges, points or gold stars.
  • Launch a training site within the platform where you hold scheduled training sessions and provide learning materials
  • Help users see that the tool is meant to benefit them and ease workflow management
  • Bring influencers onboard – those employees who have a knack for charisma
  • Even as others lurk, managers should be top users of the platform
  • Emboss quick wins
  • Make it fun through gamification
  • Integrate it with mobile devices

As you let teams embrace the interactive and intuitive employees intranet portal, maintain the pace by providing vital documents such as appraisals and informative pieces (message from CEO and corporate news) exclusively through the intranet.

Switching From On-Premise System

We have seen many HR managers fail to inform employees about the reasons why they need to switch to a new system. Look, IT personnel might have fears of job loss while others may not like the idea of having to go through a learning curve to get to use just “another version” of the same system. We believe that it is imperative to lay down the benefits of the new intranet for employees so that teams can support the transformation. Highlight how the new system is cost-effective, more secure, scalable and easy to integrate it with other cloud systems.

Upgrading an Existing System

Do not assume that by upgrading your employee intranet portal you’ll automatically garner the support of users. You’re upgrading for a reason. Either you’re adding some features, removing bugs or extending the functionality of the platform. In any case, notify users via the platform of upcoming upgrades and highlight new features and how it can benefit teams.

As you focus on ensuring that workforces get to know to use the employee intranet, you might want to see what LS Intranet offers. We’re a team of experts dealing with hundreds of small businesses and dozens of corporate firms. You can call/email/chat with us for support.

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