Intranet for HR Departments

Get your staff onboard with personalized intranet instruments for best staff management

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    LS Intranet social platform is transforming workplaces into harmonious stations where employees can interact freely across departments and geographical jurisdictions. No matter how dispersed organizational resources are, our intranet service centralizes everything into one place.

    Best Practices Collaboration Tools

    • Safe data sharingSafe
      data sharing
    • Different access levelsDifferent
      access levels
    • Easy communicationEasy
    • Task managementTask
    • Workflow routine automationWorkflow routine

    How can HR Department benefit from this? Scanning through the fundamental tasks of HRM, we identify that hiring, onboarding, training and career growth management are the arterial components of every HR manager. Now, we’ve built our social collaboration software around these HR functionalities to promote smooth workforce management.

    The most important advantages LS Intranet
    brings for HR departments

    LS Intranet Software for Office 365

    Check how it works

    Survey Intranet Feature | LS Intranet

    Arrange polls or voting on any topics among employees. LS Intranet Survey Tool will help to find out opinions quick by involving all the team members. Analyze the results on the go.

    Intranet Feature for Employees | LS Intranet

    All your team is right here. Just click on the avatar and get required information with Our Team LS Intranet widget.

    Intranet Events Widget | LS Intranet

    All the important company events are available to check. LS Intranet Calendar tool shows what will happen today this week or month in the corporate life.

    Document Centralization

    Most SMBs have that go-to person where they can get help regarding files, policies, privacy laws, insurance, etc. while enterprises may have departmental managers in place to disseminate knowledge and docs to whoever needs them.

    Due to bureaucracies and hierarchical nature of organizations, accessing these docs is difficult. LS HR Intranet Document Management feature for HR departments ensures that employees access files relating their appraisals, policies, payrolls, etc. anytime they want.

    LS Intranet for HR

    HR Intranet

    Process Automation

    HR managers are usually irked with tons of documents to prepare – training programs, job descriptions, rewards, team building events, etc. LS Intranet for HR allows managers to create sites via Microsites where employees can access online forms and templates.

    Employees can then fill and submit documents such as proposals and insurance details via the portal and get immediate feedback from the managers. HR managers can also create a site for recruits where they can access orientation information for easier and cheaper onboarding.

    Breaking Hierarchical Barriers

    With LS HR Intranet tools such as the Job Center, managers can use the knowledge and networking nature of their employees to access new talents. People’s Directories enables the HR to display each employee profile and their profession and department. So, anyone searching for an expert in a particular field can use the Advance Search tool to find the contact of the desired individual quickly.

    Regardless of how your organization is divided into multiple departments, People’s Directories ensure the profile of each one can be easily accessed.

    Intranet for HR

    HR Intranet

    Data Collection & Feedback

    Our HR Intranet a is engineered on the basis of social technology where communication is considered the foundation of every successful HR department. For that reason, our Survey tool and Yammer integration enable the HR managers to collect as much information as they want about what employees say in their comments on blogs and news feed content.

    Polls and surveys can help create proactive measures when rolling out programs that may affect employees in one way or the other.

    Workflow & Performance Management

    The human resource team must always work together with other departments to ensure that the ultimate vision of the business is always the priority. By recruiting the right talent and managing them through training (using the Learning Center tool) and promotions, human resource managers can deliver the best personnel for each department. HR leaders can use the Employee Spotlight tool to monitor the performance of every individual to enable them to create credible reward programs.

    There are limitless possibilities for HR teams using LS Intranet to power up their day-to-day operations. For instance, the Idea Box enables employees to create their own projects and submit for assessment creating a positive competitive environment which spears productivity to greater heights.

    So, if you’re looking for a better, cheaper and easier way of coordinating HR activities, then LS Intranet for HR is your real deal.

    Intranet for HR

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    What our clients say?

    Lou Kalis, I.T. Manager
    La Crosse Public Library, WI

    Flexible, extremely collaborative, educational and always-supportive intranet provider. They always reply quickly and give us the ability to talk with any specialist directly from a sales manager to a developer. Most of our requirements integrated into the intranet portal. So working with this guys is a pleasant experience. They are definitely one of the top 5 providers I’ve ever dealt.

    Mariusz Plawecki, Marketing Director
    Konica Minolta, Ukraine

    We were surprised by a rapid deployment of the solution which took 5 days. With LS Intranet we built a platform that connects staff and helps them to work better together. It is a single channel that reaches all employees and cover top-down communication and bottom-up feedback. Moreover, this platform is not only a place where we can read things but is a tool for doing tasks and running workflows.

    Want to know more?

    Request a demo and start today!

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            An LS representative will contact you shortly to schedule your demo day/time. Can’t wait? You can choose your own schedule here

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