Secrets That Define Usability and Success of a Company Intranet

Sometimes, we tend to overthink when solutions are right within us. Your company intranet might be facing challenges of low usage as teams stick to the traditional collaboration models. You’ve tried out-of-the-box techniques but, still, guys are stuck to emails and legacy intranets. Finally, you realize that you’ve been underestimating the idea of intuitive intranet design and with few tweaks; your interaction portal enjoys a high number of users.

As my colleague in charge of human resources at LS Intranet always tells me, an intranet is like a house-on-sale – the first impression it gives determines how it stays in the market and the price it can fetch. The secret has been and will always be the design. Here are some tips to help you fetch high employee engagement and ROI with your internal communication tool.

Is Everyone Comfortable?

Well, we know how change can be chaotic and how some teams are receptive to changes while others are just old-fashioned. Craft your company intranet such that it is comfortable for every user. That way, it allows tech-savvy employees to enjoy new features while also enabling those used to the legacy systems to benefit. That’s more like designing an intranet where users can choose between two modes (maybe old and new or, legacy and Cloud).

Is Everyone Comfortable?

Your intranet design, therefore, ensures that employees can share files, connect to remote teams, view people’s profiles, and engage in other social activities without feeling forced to do so. Allow everyone to use what they are comfortable with so that you can get the best out of the platform.

How Well Is Your Site, Integrative?

The essence of social intranets is to keep users engaged and streamline workflow processes regardless of how dispersed the users are. That means your company intranet should allow users to access the site through various devices from iDevices to Android devices.

The intranet design should also integrate with social media sites like Facebook and online Forums like Reddit so that your team could quickly assist prospects by sharing files from the portal. Integration means that the portal can easily accept new features and accommodate changes as the business scales up.

Great UX and Intuitive Intranet Design

People need websites that are easy to navigate so that they can get what they want without spending much time browsing pages of content.

Great UX and Intuitive Intranet Design

With a properly designed portal, several sections ranging from human resources to finance have their separate sections. Users can see if their proposals for funding have been approved in the finance section, while others can head to HR section to fill e-forms.

When designing the intranet, give user experience a priority. Update regularly news, blogs, and community sites so that users interact with new content daily. Also, revamp your corporate news section with gifs, photos, and stories about company events.

Striving to make your site an all-in-one platform isn’t a journey you can complete on your own. Meet with industry approved tech experts from LS Intranet to guide your intranet design process to help you come with an intuitive, easy-to-use platform. For support and inquiries, click on our chat buttons for fast assistance.

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