Task Management | Project Management Tool

Procrastinations, delays, and missed deadlines characterize a workplace where teams either don’t have a task management tool or their tools are simply obsolete.

As digitization kicks in, we eliminate paperwork and other daunting tasks associated with the manual handling of workflows. But without the proper software to manage work, we are bound to make mistakes, slow productivity and decrease customer satisfaction.

When you have a project management tool, it is easier to navigate through layers of projects and pick up sections that need amendments. You can also utilize automated versioning of documents to indicate progress and prevent inefficiencies.

Performance Evaluation and Monitoring

Managers operating without proper systems for evaluating their staff may face difficulties in assessing individual and team performance. It is nearly impossible to determine individual contributions in group projects when you don’t have software to guide you.

With project management tools in place supervisors can see in real-time project progress and who is contributing what. It becomes easier to manage cross-departmental projects running for years while giving credits to every team player.

Schedule Management

Employees working in shifts can suffer from work overloads or miscommunication if you don’t have a structured system that allows all personnel to work from a central portal. Task management is way easier when you have a tool that allows you to allocate tasks and resources automatically.

Such tools foster the visibility of the whole workflow process allowing you to allocate human and capital resources intelligently. Traditionally, schedule management processes were complicated and often, projects missed deadlines because teams could not collaborate as required.  With software for managing your projects, you can plan technical work and tasks that underpin workflow management processes.

Discussion Center

Instead of emailing back-and-forth to contribute and manage projects, you can utilize project management tools as it provides an in-built discussion board. This is where all discussions, questions, and documents regarding the project are shared. By stashing all details and information about a project in one place; auditors, reviewers and project leaders can easily locate crucial information without sifting through hundreds of emails.


You can find that in your organization or department, you have projects that recur. These projects mostly require similar planning and management. Instead of starting every project afresh, you can utilize the project management tool to copy processes and execute similar tasks in a whim.

Modern tools can automatically monitor employees and alert you when an employee is overloaded with work. Through AI, assigning tasks and processing daily reports can be automated using task managers.

Handling Problems

When issues arise in the course of the project, if you don’t have a risk management plan, the entire project might fall to ruins. Project management tools enable you to avoid collective project amnesia where problems come and go but never get resolved.

Whenever you encounter a problem in the project, you can use your software to log the issue, assign actions and elect people to implement the actions. Project managers can categorize the issues from critical to mild and make appropriate actions based on the severity of issues.

How could you better steer forward projects without having a tool to help you in the process? LS Intranet recommends the use of intranet inbuilt task managers to run your projects. The intranet allows you to operate from one place instead of from switching from one software to another when working on a project. Talk to us today to understand our system and how it can help you run your projects smoothly.

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