best intranet software

When employees do their best, they deserve to be recognized. Different companies have different reward programs but the question is whether these programs are an impetus for productivity or a channel for demotivation. It has been said time and time again that rewarding individuals for their ‘bigger’ successes discourage those had smaller successes and more so, those who played a crucial role in ensuring that the rewarded individual succeed. Since recognition programs are cardinal functions of the HR department, we’ve highlighted ways in which organizations can leverage best intranet software to establish recognition non-pervasive workforce reward programs.

Recognizing Team Efforts

Organizational culture is a prism that reflects the mission, values, and vision of the organization. Motivated employees are likely to associate themselves with your organization than those crestfallen because they feel the program is not inclusive. Best intranet software encourages a cohesive workplace by allowing HR to recognize the effort of every employee. Through the platform, employees regardless of their position or department can easily access helpful documents and assistance from managers without bypassing the usual top-down bureaucratic barriers.

intranet software

Best intranet software enables teams to create their own sites where they can collaborate and share their experiences. Managers may provide each team with targets and all teams that reach their targets within their stipulated time are recognized in a special way.

Most of the times we go wrong thinking that rewards can only come in monetary terms. Teams can be rewarded by giving them a day or two off from work. If you want productive recognition programs, embrace those that align employees to the company. For instance, instead of the ‘best productive team’ award, go for something like, ‘the best cohesive team’ award.

As top intranet software SaaS provider, we’ve noted that the best way to identify how teams collaborate and how they embody the organization’s values in their day-to-day tasks is by using a collaboration platform.

What about Remote Workers?

Are remote workers part of your employee reward program? We honestly think they should be; if not, start including them. The best intranet software enables both on-premise and geographically dispersed workforce to collaborate on various projects.

best intranet software

If you’ve a software developer working remotely on an on-demand basis, you may need him to connect to let’s say the project management crew when he is engineering an app for the department. This saves you costs and time especially when you need one-off services that you can outsource from an expert working remotely. While developing an app, a product or designing a tool for the sales team, the intranet software can help that remote worker to incorporate company’s culture in his designs.

Let us as the industry leaders show you how you can implement and deploy the best intranet software to enhance teamwork and collaboration in your SMB. LS Intranet provides interactive, intuitive and best collaboration tool in the market. Holla our support team and they’ll see that you get a demo at least for the start.

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