5 Ways to Eliminate Workplace Distractions through Intranet Platforms

How can we run away from the small distractions in the office that tends to waste a lot of time? Ostensibly, one employee losing 5 minutes a day doesn’t trigger the alarm bells. Consider when you’ve 100 employees. That translates to 500 minutes in a day or approximately 7 hours out of the normal 8 hours of work. It implies that you’re employing one extra employee to gather for the time lost by the other 100 employees.

These distractions are inevitable, as it subsumes working from office to office asking for a document or an employee leaving his desk to guide a recruit stuck in a project. We are not telling you can eliminate these distractions but you can incredibly reduce them by using an intranet platform. Check it out.

  1. Instant Notifications

With intranet platforms, employees don’t have to juggle files to remind themselves of an upcoming event. The software gives employees notifications on the status of their payrolls, work insurance, monthly reports and even appraisal forms.

intranet platforms

  1. Seamless Collaboration

You don’t have to wander around from one desk to another asking for a document while you can use the powerful search engine inbuilt in intranet platforms to check for whatever doc you need. Employees can share documents, collaborate on projects and even create their own sites such as vegan or trek clubs within the platform regardless of their departments.

  1. Automating Processes

The intranet platform lifts off the burden of manual filing and tracking of forms enabling the employees to concentrate on what is most important. The HR team can also check who and who hasn’t completed their e-forms on the platform. These collaboration tools fast-track onboarding of new hires by dedicating sites for them within the platforms. New recruits can find the people they need by checking their information on employee profiles.

  1. Fast Retrieval of Documents

With paper filing systems, versioning of documents can be difficult and the time taken to retrieve the right document accounts for the loss of time. Intranet platforms proffer an easier way of retrieving the latest documents in a matter of seconds. Note that admins have can set permissions to tag sharable and non-sharable documents.

  1. Integrated and Engaged Teams

intranet platforms

With the blog and news feed site, every employee can view in real-time what’s going on in the company. Even the remote workers can leverage intranet platform to connect with other employees via the social-like portal. Various groups working on the same project can brainstorm and share files within the site without sending emails or making phone calls.

So, if you desire to not only reduce time losses but to foster engagement between various teams in your workplace consider the use of intranet platforms. LS Intranet is one of the leading intranet providers ensuring that every business regardless of size, product line or position in the industry can get software infrastructure suitable for its systems. Begin your intranet journey with us, and you’ll have great success stories to tell.

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