internal intranet software

Managers are the happiest when they realize that the workforce is investing in the company. Disenfranchised employees are uncommitted and unmotivated culminating into low productivity and consequently losses. With technology, bring up together dispersed workforce is much easier especially with the use of an internal intranet system.

Years of experience in the industry has enabled us to know an organization’s path that leads to a highly engaged team. We’ve provided a roadmap for you as the first step of your company’s journey in developing an internal intranet. Intranets provide clear-cut ways of enhancing team engagement.

  1. Strategize

Explicitly making engagement as a strategic imperative would make it easier to roll out internal intranet systems that could connect employees across departments and geographical boundaries. Strategy means highlighting things such as whether you’re going to leverage on a cloud intranet or an on-premise platform.

  1. Align Goals, Values, & Vision With Strategy

Promoting and enhancing workforce engagement implies that all employees regardless of their location and roles in the company can speak about the same thing. Developing a reliable internal intranet software means training the users on how to use the system to promote their own career goals as well as the organization’s vision.

  1. Find & Analyze Employee Feedback

What does the team say about the new internal intranet? What are they saying about the online forms, the new workflow system and the ability to access the portal from any place? Empathize on employees worries and explain vividly the importance of the new system.

  1. Reward, Recognize, & Promote Career Growth

For employees to connect to the organizations and put more input beyond what is compensated by their salaries, you need to recognize both individual and group efforts within the internal intranet software.

  1. Embed the Change

Letting the internal intranet software become part of the organization’s culture is by ensuring the changes you’ve made stick. Coaching and developing the system is more than just presenting the users with a platform where they can interact and exchange ideas. It’s about being the leader and the role model.

internal intranet, intranet system

Here is how to embed change to boost engagement:

  • Utilize the intranet system’s blogging feature to post important corporate news
  • Reward those whose productivity has been realized because of the direct use of the software
  • Create sites that compel employees to visit the platform – these sites may have updated policies, laws, training manuals, forms, e-learning course materials etc.
  • Encourage team leaders to use the platform to spearhead cross-departmental projects.

The benefits of an engaged team supersede the costs used in building and operating an internal intranet. LS Intranet offers the best SaaS cloud intranet solutions for startups, SMBs, and large corporations that want to get their teams engaged on the go. Contact us to get more information about our cloud services.

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