social intranet

Why Social Media Ambassadors?

 Social networking has become the number one marketing method in today’s time with the rapid rise and popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. For specialists in B2B sector, social media marketing is not only beneficial, but it has become fundamental.

 Ambassadors of a brand promote the brand to everyone they meet so that a company can expand its audience without having to spend too much on extra marketing and can utilize their pre-existing human resources. Just think it over! Hundred of workers that actively promote your company, that’s bound to have more than a ripple effect!

What’s the Point of Marketing Your Brand on Such a Large Scale?

The answer to this question is best described by another question: Why is it that we spend extra money to buy Apple or Samsung devices while there are other cheaper options available to us?

By marketing on a large scales, such companies have normalized their products into our perception of technology. Instead of wasting efforts on marketing campaigns, the secret is to invest in your employees. By providing them with a comfortable work environment and suitable resources, they will be the most effective advertisers.

How Does This Marketing Affect Your Workers?

With active staff participation, you can show customers, investor and partners your company’s potential and according to research by Gallup Institute, involved workers function with greater productivity and amiability with employers. Social marketing provides a platform for the employees to grow on a personal scale and they feel a sense of belonging to the company. By determining what motivates your workers, you can help make them feel like they are needed and harness their marketing potential.

But What Can You Do to Make Workers Be Ambassadors of Your Brand?

social intranet

An interview conducted by Gallup found that only 41% of employees fully believed that they knew the objects and purposes of their company and what distinguishes their brand from competitors. So in order to produce aware and useful social media candidates, you must stimulate your colleagues’ activity in social media. Turn their extra time spent browsing through Facebook into productive advertising time where they spread the brand name and interact with potential clients.

Moreover, a survey of B2B corporations conducted at the Industry Leadership Summit in 2015 found that company heads support the use of social media ambassadors and 90% of them even confirmed that they requested staff to post publicly about their companies.

Tips on How to Make the Best Use of Social Media for Marketing:

 1)   Encourage Employees to Utilize Social Networks

Employees may be apprehensive about using social networks at their working places because they feel like their bosses are watching their every move. Instead of a fearful environment, your company should be supportive of staff engagement on social platforms.

In one case, after a meeting with LinkedIn’s CEO and the CEO of ANZ, the bosses sent out enterprise-wide emails reminding staff of the importance of LinkedIn and asking his people to make their own contribution

2)   Communicate Consistently with Your Team

You should often meet with your staff to deliver updates/news, get their feedback, listen to their ideas and wishes and more. Face to face interaction with staff facilitates transparency and promotes a better working environment. Plus workers know which public statements can be used at social channels.

3)   Pre-Determined Messages

When you send emails with news to employees, it’s a good idea to include pre-written updates so they can be used instantly. Time of staff is saved and it’s easier for them to post the composed updates, increasing social activity.

Providing employed with composed updates ensures that there is no misunderstanding and text is displayed clearly, perhaps in a form of a definite sentence or two about your company/product to put on social media.

4)   Train Your Team

Not everyone is as technologically savvy as the next person and some may not be comfortable using social media to market. In such cases, it’s a good idea to organize training sessions where employees get useful tips on utilizing social media as a corporate marketing platform. FAQ lists and training from more experienced staff are low-cost solutions.

There is a multitude of ways to involve your own staff into creating a well-known company brand and strong relations with customers through social media. To maximize your business and its growth, you should integrate digital workplace like LS Intranet and make use of the specialized social corporate network, such as Yammer.

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