Why Trust Us 

Our product is so cool that we use it in our own company

Our ultimate vision and goal is to assimilate our exquisite knowledge of building customized portals to create a feature rich Intranet-as-a-Service solution. We relish a business solution, which combines a robust evergreen platform and a flawless user experience. As a result, communication between dispersed teams is simplified, corporate data – protected, routine work processes – streamlined and collaboration strengthened. Our Lizard Soft team works zealously towards this great vision.

Why Companies Trust Us as an Intranet Vendor:
  1. Our company has a great history – we have been in the market since 2010 (currently 8 years and counting).
  2. We have Microsoft /Office 365 Products Certification that enables our software developers to use their expertise for developing products and innovative software solutions within O365 apps.
  3. Our digital workplace is mentioned in the Clearbox Consulting (which is the leading research center in exploring and evaluating the effectiveness of intranet infrastructure) top intranets solutions list.
  4. We are Gold Microsoft Partner in two most important competencies for developing a digital workplace product: Collaboration and Content, Cloud Productivity.
  5. 50+ SharePoint and Office 365 Experts in our team.
  6. 100+ satisfied customers.
  7. 32,000 number of users – our biggest customer.
  8. Clients want to work with us from everywhere no matter where we are – we serve clients in North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

All our employees must undergo a stringent and thorough background check before becoming a member of our team.

What puts us at the helm of the industry is that we have vested in technologies for the future such as Angular, Node.js, Artificial Intelligence and others. All our development processes are based on the Scrum methodology. Besides that, all the time our teammates take refresher courses in IT to hone their skills to keep up with the pace of technology and other trends crucial to software development.

Years of building intranet solutions for organizations of different sizes and industries (educational, financial, insurance, nonprofit/charity, healthcare, retail, marketing, IT sectors, franchise, etc.) has enabled us to accumulate vast and diverse expertise. We can confidently say that we provide the most innovative digital workplaces customized with the client’s desirable options and features.

How We Develop Solutions

We lay out all the ideas for specific users that want certain options, features or functions. Then create a roadmap. Of course, we always strive to deliver even more than clients expect.

Mastering best business solutions practices helped us determine our values:

  • Flexibility
  • Open-mindedness
  • Responsiveness
  • Versatility
  • Personal approach
  • Learning, learning, and learning

Every client matters to us. In fact, everything we develop is built with an inherent desire to create something right, useful and unique that keeps our staff motivated. We value creating an impeccable solution that is ideal for enterprises of all sizes.

Our goal is not just to offer a ready-to-use end product to customers, but also to provide qualitative technical and business consulting during the implementation period. Only in this way, our clients can achieve their internal communication goals and build an efficient digital business environment.

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