intranet knowledge management

Disseminating knowledge across the organization is often difficult because of the fragmentation in the workplace. Knowledge transfer has to occur between senior managers and potential junior employees to facilitate smooth replacement of an experienced manager when the time comes. It involves coaching and transferring tactics from a veteran to novice individuals. Intranet knowledge management has brought a new perspective to the entire process of passing knowledge from one person to another. The platform is a hub of ideas and people with expert knowledge in various fields. We’ve highlighted how this social workplace tool can bolster and encourage dissemination of knowledge from senior and experienced managers to their subordinates.

  1. Document Sharing

Intranet knowledge management is about storage and retrieval of documents for the purposes of sharing them with anyone who needs them. The platform provides a ground where anyone can ask for a particular file or just use the advanced search tool within the portal to find and retrieve it. This form of knowledge that can be found easily in tangible form in manuals, written materials and databases is referred to as explicit knowledge. Intranets enable seamless and efficient transfer of information that is stored in tangible form.

intranet knowledge management

  1. Guidance through Podcasts, Webinars, Video Tutorials etc.

Data, information and expertise transfer is a gradual process that occurs on a day-to-day basis. Team leaders can create special sites where they can post video tutorials and podcasts as well as conduct live training sessions. This form of intranet knowledge transfer is common in HR department where they use such initiatives to orientate new hires. The tutorials facilitate sharing of intangible (tacit) knowledge as the learner will grasp other aspects such as communication skills, technical know-how, and hands-on skills required in accomplishing particular tasks.

  1. Utilization of Employee Directory Tool

Junior officers or even employees working in a company where teams are highly dispersed geographically can find it hard locating experts they direly need to steer a project. That is where intranet knowledge management and transfer pops in. The employee directory tool contains profile information of each employee in the organization. All one needs to do is access the tool via the intranet and search for the expert he/she needs.

intranet knowledge management

  1. Manager to Novice Collaboration

Some projects or departments may require seniors and juniors to work together for easier transfer of skills. By leveraging the intranet knowledge management capabilities, managers can work on projects within the intranet platform together with the learners. On the process, learners can ask questions and any materials that they find it useful. In such scenarios, managers always give small, short-deadline assignments to the learners to monitor their progress.

There is no better platform for transferring knowledge than the intranet especially if the experts within the company are dispersed and mobile. With SharePoint LS intranet software, you are assured of efficient knowledge transfer between experienced and new hires. For more inquiries and request for a demo, contact our support. They are available 24/7 to respond to your requests.

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