intranet design

We have all heard about Intranet as a private network. This network is often limited and controlled within an organization consisting of interlinked local area networks and used for communication purposes within an organization. So, an intranet design guide is important to ensure an enhanced user experience.

What is Intranet Design?

SharePoint Intranet design ideas are all about planning the cultural and technical aspects of your intranet. Furthermore, modern sharepoint intranet design is an essential component of intranet deployment.

Why is it Important?

It forms the outline that determines the success of achieving business goals through the usage of an intranet. Consequently, it is important to any company to design a modern intranet design system that is productive, beneficial and meaningful for your company.

How Do You Design it?

In management, people always think of big things and that is why they miss focussing on little things. Before you design your intranet you should know who your employees are and how they behave.

intranet design ideas

Any workplace technology should serve the workforce and make it easier for them to work by meeting their needs. So, the logical step is to make a list of features that will help your employees meet their needs like a search engine or discussion forum. The SharePoint Intranet design ideas should be drawn from these and be flexible to adapt the constant change in values, interests, and goals.

Intranet design is attractive when designs on your page are attractive. Will anyone like it if the homepage remains the same at all times? No, people will not like it as their needs change over time. It is better to make small changes from time to time rather than put off change and until the design becomes unusable and irrelevant.

Understanding the workplace needs will help make a system that meets your needs. This is where LS Intranet becomes handy. LS SharePoint Intranet gives the best modern intranet designs which are fast, innovative, user-friendly and designed as per business needs and changing times.

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Really, intranet design determines the success of achieving business goals through the usage of an intranet. If it’s hard to use or understand an easy task to do, employee leave it instantly.


Charlie Schwartz

A search engine or discussion forum are the core for a successful intranet design. However, as well all other tools are required in dependence on the organization needs and aims.


Jared Wood

It’s really important topic to talk about. You should write more on it. After all, intranet design is the shop window of the internal brand and values. It is one of the areas the stakeholders have floods of opinions on and it’s visual, which always gets people excited, both those viewing and those creating it.


Many Patrick

Intranet design matters! We wanted something different from simply corporate one to improve communication between staff; helping those on the front line keep up to date with corporate news and helping those at the center better understand how services are being delivered on the ground.


Donnie Lawson

Having understood our company needs, we even realized that our workplace should contain only 4 features: news feed, slider, file share and microsites. The minimalistic intranet design works even for such an organization of IT specialist as ours.


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