SharePoint intranet features

SharePoint has stood the test of time, and in fact, it is one of the earlier forms of collaboration tools within the workplace that continue to rule the industry. It had a slow growth for a couple of years until its renaissance when they released SharePoint 2016 which comes with both workplace management and collaboration tools. Even though SharePoint intranet features are exclaimed everywhere, adoption and implementation have always proved to be a problem. We’ve highlighted some of the most vital tidbits you can employ to create propitious equilibrium between the workplace and the collaboration-oriented features.

First, Identify & Categorize SharePoint Intranet Features

You need to pinpoint those elements that are related to the corporate sector and those pertaining employee welfare. Examples of organizational features included in SharePoint intranet include workflows, learning, training and project management. On the other hand, elements associated with welfare and social life of the workplace include news feeds, blogs, communities and many more. The right equilibrium enables teams to identify formal and informal sites quickly. It allows you to create sites and sub-sites that can attract people whose work isn’t gathered by the platform.

Secondly, Think About Functionalities and Capabilities of SharePoint Intranet Features  

Know your audience and start by customizing the SharePoint intranet portal features on the image to match what the audience needs. Create different sites on the homepage to ensure that the intranet distinctively provides access to both business-oriented and welfare-based solutions. Upon visiting the portal, users should head directly to where they want without wandering around the site not knowing where to start. It’s clear that most features of this Microsoft’s tool are underutilized because of apathetic deployment managers who think that intranet is only for managing projects and sharing files.

Thirdly, Embrace Personalization

The primary resource intranet developers conduct a needs assessment analysis before rolling out an intranet for any company is to ensure that the elements included are specific to the operations of that enterprise. However, most of the SharePoint intranet portal features are engineered to be used by every organization regardless of the industry. For that reason, you may not get the features specific to your company. Thankfully, you have the privilege to customize and personalize sites to fit your corporate needs. Customize homepages, community sites, forums and blogs so that the intranet can relate well to the users.

SharePoint intranet portal features

Lastly, Ensure Multi-Device Compatibility

Chances are when you customize SharePoint intranet portal features so much; it can ruin its compatibility with other apps and devices. Therefore, as you make it personal and intuitive, test it with different devices to ensure that it works perfectly.

Our team here at LS intranet have experience in deploying and customizing SharePoint intranets. We can quickly get everything tailored for your company and users in a matter of few hours. To enhance collaboration our intranet service, include Office 365 which comes with Yammer. You can call us or email us for any inquiries.

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