If you lead a large team, chances are that you will once in a while bang your head on the wall wondering how to engage them. Sadly, if there is laxity in team engagement, there will be relcutance in meeting deadlines, slackness in closing. A factor that eventually decreases returns, workforce motivation and individual performance.
How do you get these people to open up and talk? Do you consider your company intranet software a possible tool to unlocking employee engagement?
Every team has a few members who cruise quietly through conversations; they never comment or initiate a conversation. The best you will see them do is put up a meme when there are intranet problems.
Interestingly, they never miss on discussions on the corporate intranet; they always read through the chats. These members happen to be the best critics, and if you can pay attention, they are incredibly creative. How do we make sure our teams engage in the corporate intranet platform?
In many instances, we assume that staff will figure out how to use a new platform since they are already used to other systems. We forget that one of the most common intranet problems is user confidence. Provide solutions that automate training schedules and give training materials to your team.
Manage content
Post relevant, up-to-date and exciting content that staff will be lured to converse about. Have your content manager engage staff on new developments or matters that concern their life-work relationships.
Use contests and captivating discussions
Search for the one unique thing that can motivate everyone, use it as a bait to engage them and allow as much freedom as possible. Enable every participant to initiate a discussion at will as long as it brings value.
Centralize issue resolutions
Whenever a staff is facing a problem and wants to escalate an issue, the management team can create an intranet site dedicated to complaints. This will ensure that the staff has a platform to air their concerns. Such as system allows managers to view in real-time when workforce complain about some issues.
Resolve intranet problems as soon as they mushroom
Loyalty to innovation depends heavily on consistency. The company intranet software needs to be dependable such that employees can access it 24/7 regardless of where they are working from.
Make the intranet a one-stop-solution
Enable forms, dashboards, monthly reports, and templates on the intranet. This will ensure staff log in as many times as possible and give them a chance to engage. Provide incentives that allows the workforce to embrace intranet tools. The team leaders must lead the way in engaging on the intranet.
LS Intranet provides keys that unlock best employee engagement practices. We solve intranet problems by analyzing and evaluating your needs, work culture and goals. Be among the top companies using our SaaS solutions to deliver high engagement levels in their teams by trying out our demo for free!
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