Intranet Technology: the General Vision

Deciding how to configure the components of your intranet technology, server boils down to what you hope to achieve with it in the short, medium, and long term.

For instance, if you are planning to launch your company intranet as simple text based web pages that your ten employees are able to access each morning before beginning work, your needs will be much simpler than a company that is seeking to have thousands of its employees in multiple offices watch streaming videos all at the same time.

What is Intranet: Technical Nuances

Regardless, in each of these applications, the foundation of the intranet technology will be built on the web server. Web servers are a combination of hardware and software that allow you to access manipulate and share various types of files with your employees across your company network.

Companies of all sizes grapple with the idea of whether to install and manage servers for their intranet technologies on their own or simply hire the services of a third party organization. There are advantages to both but unless your company is focused heavily on investing in IT personnel, considering the right third party provider to cover your web servers and protect your content could be the best choice.

If you don’t have the expertise to maintain them, trying to operate a server in-house can pose more problems than offer solutions.

Modern Servers

Apache and Microsoft Internet Information Server are two of the most popular types of web server software and each has a proven record of accomplishment of supporting some of the largest and most profitable organizations in the world.

intranet solution

At this time, the latest version of Apache is a free software application while Microsoft Internet Information Server is not. Each offer benefits, which may be useful to your company but if cost is your largest concern, choosing Apache, is probably the smartest decision you could make.

Determining the Aims of own Intranet Technology

Once your new software and hardware are up and running, it is important to decide what you want to do with your new intranet technology.

Will it be optimized to allow you to carry out key operational functions or will it be a tool used mainly to drive collaboration, communication and support employee engagement?

Hopefully it will eventually be able to solve both of these connected purposes but in the beginning, it is good to know what you are hoping to achieve as well as where you see the technology taking you in the future.

Internet Technology Necessity and Cyber Security

For employees be able to utilize your new intranet, their computers will need to be connected to your company local area network (LAN). These computers will need to be running a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome.

Firewall hardware and software will operate as an essential layer of protection, which guards your company’s data from the outside world and the internet that exists beyond your organization. Having comprehensive firewall protection is an investment that is impossible to pass up on.

In today’s cyber security environment, news of high-profile leaks, hacks, and ransoms are extremely common and it is universally accepted that IT infrastructure security may be the most salient issues facing businesses of all kinds today.

Intranet Technology

There is quite simply no reason not to invest in the tools and personnel that will protect your organization and allow it to grow long into the future.

What is Intranet? Your intranet solution is a private network housed within your organization. It will allow your team to communicate and collaborate in exciting and transformative new ways.

The proper intranet features will allow your team to share files and company with ease. This is a small part of intranet development stuff, but as you see, it’s a great challenge.

The best decision would be to leave it to professionals and use intranet out-of-the-box solution like LS Intranet, which includes all the middle and large sized organizations require. Instead of wondering of what the intranet technology is and how it can be developed, it is time to consider what exactly the intranet can do for you!


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Cody Mclaughlin

When integrating own intranet technology, it’s highly important to be sure that intranet technology is really protected. Thus our company has chosen Sharepoint intranet. I don’t know whether there is more productive technology at the moment. But, suppose that there’s none so secured still.


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