cloud intranet

The app and software development industry is highly challenging and unique because you can find a person engineering a game on his own or with a small group of freelancers. Most these developers have to take in ideas and source codes from different fields to create a functional application. Getting these codes is one thing and integrating them into one application is another. Successful development is always accompanied by a contribution from other developers. If you’re leading a five-man team or a group of any number in creating an app, read on to understand how the cloud intranet can be beneficial to tech experts working alongside you.


No matter the time or place, you’ll always have access to your programming gear through the intranet. It enables your associates to do their part at their own time. With a good collaboration platform, you can store useful files and share them with your colleagues to enable them to focus on project’s goals. You don’t have to be in the office or your workplace to continue with your project. Cloud intranets enable

Cost Effectiveness

If you are working on a one-time app project then SaaS solutions are always the best. You don’t have to install any expensive hardware systems. Cloud intranet services are often subscription based so you will not only use a perk suitable for your team but use the service when you need it. Again, this option takes off the burden of outsourcing services by allowing you to employ remote developers and collaborate at a cheaper cost.

cloud intranet

Social Interaction

The best thing about cloud intranet is that you can connect it social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and see in real-time what other developers say about your progress. You can also set notifications to remind your small group the deadlines and expected project progress. Pull in blog articles online that are beneficial to your team and share them on the platform. Create a vibrant environment by encouraging your team to ask questions, search for files within the database and connect to experts with ease.

Streamlined Workflow

In software and app development, consistency is fundamental, as it is necessary towards eliminating source code errors that arise when more than one person is working on a project. Cloud intranet proffers you the opportunity to assess team progress anytime you want to enable you to correct errors as they appear. This streamlines the workflow and ensures that your entire group is on the same page.

cloud intranet

So, if you want to take advantage of expertise from remote developers without spending much, LS Intranet is the best intranet SaaS solution for you. We offer versatile, flexible and affordable intranet services for any enterprise or startup. Let’s help you and bring together your fragmented group through our incredible service.

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