Developing programs and being an overall trend-setting company is what sets us apart from the usual system as an intranet provider service. By researching and tracking 2020 stats for employee retention, engagement, and workplace satisfaction, we have set eyes upon what makes us tremendously helpful.
Per demand, we have collected and transcribed the 2020 stats analytics concerning staff motivation and satisfaction to a more comprehendible format that validates the necessity of intranet services for organizations.
Our data approves that an employee spends 20% of their time searching for internal data or seeking assistance from a colleague.
Poor or lack of communication is the primary reason projects fail within IT companies. This validates the idea that communication is vital to the success and fluidity of product development and services, which basically make a customer loyal to brands.
Offer: To create a more time efficient environment and avoid the stress of searching for a colleague to get help, there is a people directory tool that will give an employee access to a database where they will find all of the employee’s information (position, name, contact), as well as a file share option that will make sharing, managing, and storing documents easier via the cloud. This makes coworkers and documents more reachable.
Remember that:
Employee turnover is 50% less within businesses that have effective communication.
2020 Stats shows that 38% of employees are not asked for their input, and 65% of employees would appreciate more feedback. Constructive feedback is a crucial management responsibility, despite how taxing it may be on both the management and employee.
Offer: Regularly utilize digital surveys, hear proposals, listening to opinions, and recognizing employee complaints. Use a task manager to set and track weekly performance goals, providing goal-specific feedback regularly.
54% of high performing employees say their workspaces are too distracting, and 58% of them say they need more quiet workspaces.
Open environments inspire social collaboration and other distractions such as traffic, disruptive chatter or noises, deliveries, personal interruptions, etc. are thought to be the most hindering workspace reasons to high-performance employees.
Offer: Utilizing digital work to permit employee’s workplace flexibility. This will allow them to work from home, a meeting room, a coffee shop, etc. Aspire to be remote and independent by tracking results only, this will let us be more flexible, mobile, and dynamic.
Statistics showed that 53% of millennials say having professional development opportunities and access to learning new material would encourage them to stay at their job. The opportunity to continually develop doubles an employee’s retention!
Management feedback and motivation fosters an organizational culture and work environment that is engaging and motivating to employees. Encourage teamwork when solving customer issues.
Offer: Learning center that contains the materials required for skill and ability progress. Encourage employees to engage in a performance reviews program and enforce periodical feedback and discussions regarding their current responsibilities and future career paths. A recognition and rewards system will acknowledge and give credit to dedicated or diligent members for their work.
Ultimately, the use of the intranet is a profitable toolkit. Establishing a workspace where employees feel valued and can share their views and thoughts will promote the best of them. Utilizing a digital workplace will foster employee engagement, align processes, and streamline internal communication.
It is decisive to consider your requirements and needs to best choose, which intranet will benefit your company. LS Intranet offers the quality intranet experience discussed above.
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