7 Turnkey Ideas to Reinvigorate UX in Your Intranet Platform

It sucks to make an investment that does not give expected returns, but what is even frustrating is having it use your time and resources. As experts in the industry, we’ve highlighted intranet best practices you can utilize to inject and infuse new features and tweaks that could transform the overall user experience.

  1. Personalization

You can achieve higher returns by ensuring that teams running on similar projects have their own sites or sections to collaborate and share files and knowledge. Also, ensure that every department has their own sites so that it bolsters accessibility and communication among like-minded employees. It’s an intranet best practice to allow users to create communities dedicated to hikers, scuba divers, yoga lovers, sports enthusiasts, and other social sites that allow employees to share their experiences.

  1. Permissions

In your staff intranet, give permissions to managers and project leaders so that they have admin privileges. This expedites processes and streamlines workflows, thus giving teams the chance to collaborate without any obstacles.

  1. Robust Search Engine

It’s key to ensure that your search tool in the portal is powerful to pull out any kind of data upon research queries. It has to have filters that allow users to access the database and retrieve the documents they want quickly. The best intranet practice is ensuring that users get help in real-time by tapping into the database and accessing files they need.

  1. Perform Regular Upgrades and Updates

When you start using your staff intranet, you get to notice that some features or widgets are necessary for your specific businesses.

Perform Regular Upgrades and Updates

Contact your vendor so that they can deploy these features to suit your team. Also, keep the content fresh, ensuring that users have something new to learn every day from the portal.

  1. Notifications & Calendar

Sometimes, things can slip away from our sleeves not because we don’t remember but because we’re juggling up a lot of other issues. Add notification and calendar widgets to give reminders to users and alert them whenever a vital CEO message or document has been posted. You should be able to remind employees of special events, career development programs, and e-courses through your intranet.

  1. Real-Time Analytics

Some departments such as sales, marketing, and IT may need to access real-time performance so that they can engineer ad-hoc measures to align the results to organizational targets.

Real-Time Analytics

It’s the intranet best practice to add real-time analytics and reporting tool so that these teams can be able to fast-track their performances and make decisions that can scale up productivity.

  1. Be Confident – Create Call to Actions

You may want to move most of your tasks to your online collaboration platform. You might want to invite teams for pro-bono activities or let them subscribe to a new training program. As intranet best practice, professionals usually insert an exciting call to actions to attract users to join you in your enterprise goals.

You can only be able to accomplish these tasks if your intranet portal is intuitive and customizable. LS Intranet offers fully customizable and affordable platforms that can enable you to roll out your intranet best practices.  With our system, users can see who is online and offline, instantly message and share files and participate in training activities. Call us today for a free demo.

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