best intranet designs

Get enterprise misleading politics, opinions and emotions out of the way when putting up the best intranet design for your burgeoning enterprise. You need to stick to the facts and develop features and add-ons that are uniquely suited for your task force.

With hundreds of providers out there promising you the best intranet design, you can easily fall for a poorly designed system. We’ve highlighted some of the core characteristics of a decent design framework that actually makes a particular design the winner.

Comprehending Intranet Design Best Practices

Before choosing how to structure the interface, and how many add-ons and sites you should include, it is vital to identify the purpose for which the intranet is being developed. Intranet design best practices include formulating a system that not only eases the workflow of tasks but one that also pushes worker’s output and team interaction to higher levels.

Here are vital questions to ask yourself during the framework and design development process:

  • Does your system support new talents? Include components that buttress onboarding, training, e-learning and hiring of a talented
  • How does the design bolster individual productivity? The intranet should eliminate common work distractions, motivate the workforce and promote easy teamwork across the enterprise.
  • Can the design improve team satisfaction? Look at your intranet homepage design, does it reflect your corporate brand? Is it intuitive, user-friendly and quickly accessible? Aim for add-ons and structures that make work easier for everyone.
  • How does it affect retention of top-level staff? If the design boosts user satisfaction, productivity, and engagement, it would help reduce employee turnover rates.
  • How does the design affect the communication channels? Employees, as well as communication managers, require instant messaging platforms. They want a system that provides them with the latest corporate news and articles.

The answers to these queries lead you to a social intranet toolbox that enables you to select features that are apt for your team. Intranet design best practices involve knuckles down on a discourse that benefits everyone in the firm. Your design should include features that gather for particular communities within the organization, project managers, interns, trainees etc.

Design Framework

A Design Framework That Wins

Homepage intranet design is the first place where everything about the design process sets out. It is the first area that the user interacts within the portal. It acts like a navigation tool enabling the user to get into the places they want.

The best intranet design is that which emphasizes the firm’s inherent goals of developing an intranet – fostering work relationships by beefing up connectivity and collaboration among workforce groups through sharing of knowledge and ideas.

Adopting the right tools for your intranet makes it more relatable to employees and increases its usage. Some of the tools that shouldn’t miss include People Directory, Workflow Forms, News and Blogs, Forums, Community Sites, Calendar, Notification Widgets, Anniversary Widgets, and Document Repository.

The best intranet design is one that supports management structures allowing managers to delegate tasks and collaborate with subordinate staff with ease. use of information and sharing of data must comply with the organization’s rules.

LS Intranet provides a design that empowers users to build their communities and create sites of their interest by sticking to an agile development process. It offers a platform to instigate change through the sharing of knowledge and data by promoting collaboration and engagement in the workplace. We provide the best intranet designs in the industry at an affordable and flexible subscription model. Try our demo here to get started!

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