intranet software comparison

Every organization has divisions segmented according to their functions and roles. Most of these units are mutually interdependent and employees at some point are required to fill forms, attend events or training lessons prepared by another department. Traditionally, the process of synchronizing the duties of all divisions to achieve shared objectives and vision was irksome.

With the enhancement in technology and entrance of cloud intranet software, departmental managers, as well as employees undertaking different tasks, can collaborate with ease. As the CEO of your company, you’ve two choices to make when creating sites for your intranet software – build sites based on tasks or build sites that are tailored for each division.  Your choice will depend on the type of information architecture your IT team prefers. IA is defined and dictated by the nature of tasks in your enterprise.

Ideally, intranet software sites will feature tools such as online forms, blogs, polls, documents, event calendars and extras like birthdays and anniversaries. Let’s draw a clear intranet software comparison by using IA to organize information in your intranet sites.

Building Intranet Sites – Departmental/Team

When you develop sites based on the functions of the divisions and subdivisions within your enterprise, it implies that users will go to their respective department sites to accomplish particular tasks such as filling online forms. For instance, employees may just need to go to the human resource site to access online appraisal forms. For those who need specific documents, to spearhead particular projects, they will go to the departmental site where they can find the data.

intranet software

When determining if you’re going to build intranet sites based on team sites, intranet software comparison will guide you as per the features you require. With this form of information architecture, employees are able to access all kinds of information through their departmental site.

Remember that team sites in an intranet software have applications and tools suited for an explicit group. This lets the team to collaborate easily by sharing documents, key trends, articles, and projects on their own site. Such a model works for an organization where most teams are stratified based on their skills

Building Intranet Sites – Task Oriented Sites

With this approach, sites are created based on the nature of tasks of each section of your company. As a result, sites would have several applications that perform a particular function. By doing the intranet software comparison, we notice that task-oriented sites are tailored to ease and quicken operations.

For instance, in your intranet software, you can have an entire site dedicated to documents, another for blogs and so on. Users know the sites where they can get certain tasks done on a whim. When building your intranet or leveraging the services of a SaaS intranet provider, you need to consider your ideal approach to business.

Your choice of information architecture relies on how you’d want to get things done in your organization. Through this intranet software comparison, we’ve realized that task-oriented and team sites are the two main options you’ve. As LS intranet software, we can parse and test your systems and help you choose the right information architecture for your enterprise.

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