corporate intranet software

The world is about to hit a new age of technology that comes forth with fortunes as well as misfortunes for businesses. The 5G era is almost here with us and it will impact greatly on the costs of doing business and the efficiency of conducting operations. ISP’s are eyeing on returning to supreme court to scrap off ‘net neutrality.’ The utilization of corporate intranet solutions will surely be affected.

What does this mean to your business? How will tech changes affect remote workforce and operations relying on VoIP services? What about your corporate intranet software? While 5G technology will increase efficiency and bolster access to data, ISP’s desire to charge users can significantly increase business costs.  Here are some of the big future tech trends that can significantly affect your company.

IoT & 5G

We’ve witnessed over the past decade how internet speeds can transform operations especially for enterprises that rely on the internet. 5G is touted to be 1000x faster than 4G with speeds expected to reach up to 10 Gbps. With low latency and high frequency, 5G could change how businesses leveraging corporate intranet solutions operate. It would mean that users can access data faster, easier and more reliably.

corporate view intranet

IoT (Internet of Things) will be a utopic reality because of the fast internet speeds. Devices will be able to communicate faster leading to the real-time provision of remote solutions. Both in-house and remote teams will be able to work together efficiently. Corporate intranet software solutions such as data sharing and collaboration will be more efficient and reliable.

IoT and 5G bring forth the concept of ‘smart’ city where everything from homes, offices to traffic is connected. The rise of ‘smart’ city will change the way workers operate within the corporate intranet software. Planning how to augment IoT and 5G into your business by training the staff and motivating them to use the intranet gives your business a competitive advantage.

ISP Threats

It’s not news that internet service providers (ISPs) have been fighting in courts to scrap off ‘net neutrality’. ISP companies are gathering their arsenal and getting ready to contest to remove net neutrality. If they win, it will mean increased costs, unfair competition, slowdowns and inefficacies for companies that can’t afford the premium package. The question is, how can you change the corporate view intranet to suit such changes?

corporate intranet solutions

Since users may be required to pay an upfront fee to access some sites, it will mean that your remote workforce may fall out of line as most of them will be using different ISPs. Ensuring that your team is on the same page, you may have to ensure that they are using the same ISP package at home and at work for seamless team collaboration via the corporate intranet software.

The corporate view intranet is among web applications that are likely to be hit hard by these tech trends. It’s imperative that organizations start strategizing on how to utilize these technologies for the benefit of their businesses and users.

LS Intranet is one of the online corporate intranet solutions that keep a close eye on these trends. We tailor, configure and develop new features to meet the demands of the rising technologies. Team up with us, to cushion your business future against unanticipated tech disruptions.

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