An employee intranet can be the answer to your problems — it can allow and encourage team collaboration, facilitate growth, and streamline processes.

But if it becomes outdated, or wasn’t planned properly, it can become the problem.

In order to ensure your new or revamped corporate intranet delivers the outcomes you need, both now and in the future, there are some things you want to be aware of from the very beginning.

Include your Employees in the Initial Stages

While the intranet is being created to achieve company objectives, you must take a step back and consider who will be using it to achieve those objectives — the employees.

So, if you want to ensure you’re giving your employees the tools, resources, and systems they need to succeed, you must include them in this process.

Find out what resources and assistance your employees need through surveys, interviews and focus groups. Find out what their current hurdles are when it comes to being more efficient, and what frustrations they’re dealing with on a daily basis.

Also, consider ease of use for them, and include them in the design process as well. If you want them to use it, you want to ensure it is user-friendly and intuitive to their needs. It must be quick, accurate, and clearly offering value and efficiency or they won’t adopt it into their daily lives.

Think about the Long-Term Plan for Your Corporate Intranet

Technologies and capabilities are rapidly evolving, and if you want your corporate intranet to serve your both now and in the future, you’ve got to start with acknowledging what the long-term organizational plans and goals are.

corporate intranet

You want to ensure your sharepoint intranet solution can grow and change as your organization does, and that starts with your initial planning.

Consider things that may happen in the future. Will you be employing remote workers? Might you acquire another company, or require some new software integrations? Ensure that sharepoint intranet provider you select has the capabilities to meet your ever-changing business needs — both the known and unknown ones.

Create a Content Management Plan

Once your intranet is created and operational, it is essential you don’t forget about maintaining and updating it. If you want your employees to use the intranet, and continue to derive value from it, you’ve got to have regularly updated content.

corporate intranet

For example, if information becomes outdated or inaccurate, employees will stop using it and trust the system as a reliable source of information.

The easiest way to ensure things stay current and fresh is to assign some willing participants to a content management team.

Having your employees involved in the updating and maintaining of the system will keep them engaged, and help to ensure the intranet remains an asset, rather than becoming a problem. Stop wasting your time in integrating Intranet with own resources, entrust your problems to LS SharePoint Intranet.

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Joshua Hann

The article is great. I agree that initially it’s important to estimate all company goals and which exaclty results the company will get from the corporate intranet in the end. But in practice of course the benefits are measurable at least in grow of tasks performance speed.


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