employee intranet

Sometimes we stride off from asking the real question – how can we get workforce teams to use the intranet?  Instead of hankering to know about ideal intranet high-yielding practices, people just want to know which intranet service is the best. For enterprises to realize the full benefits of an intranet system, they need to show employees that using it as an internal cooperation tool is for the benefit of everyone.

The element to persuasion and social proof plays a vital role in converting your intranet from being a company’s investment to employee crucial communication tool. Make it be like the constitution of the workplace engagements and interactions. That’s using psychology to let employees know that it’s a worthwhile investment tailored for them.

Modeling Behaviors on Employee Intranet

One way of ensuring that your internal workforce interaction tool addresses the concerns of your workers is by dusting off the way by being a consistent user of the platform. Use the employee intranet’s news feed center to post very important organization’s trends and make use of the corporate section to update docs such as privacy policies.

Making the intranet your first place as the company’s CEO to post announcements will act as a proof that the platform is ideal for streamlining daily tasks. Answer questions asked by employees related to the content you’ve posted and even like and comment on their comments. Be the one to show that employee intranet is geared towards creating an engaging and harmonious workplace for everyone.

Making Feedback the Pillar of the Employee Intranet

As the person who professed and sold out the idea of introducing an employee intranet, you have a big role in ensuring that every user is satisfied. Especially those who were uncertain about this project. People are naturally inclined to leaders who not give feedback – they want someone that can provide constructive when necessary.

Use polls, surveys and other forms of collecting information to learn how employees are feeling about various issues handled by the intranet. Point out recent employee intranet behaviors that you believe it is the best thing users are doing. Capitalize on the chance to point out the negative aspects you’ve noticed. Provide a way users can use to discourage such practices in future.

employee intranet

Gathering More Proof

The higher the number of users rating a product, the more the sales. Work by this principle by giving as more social proof as you can. Display genuine polls results, indicate how many files and documents have been shared per week through the platform, showcase how many new relationships have emerged, and any other proof that would instinctively encourage employees to use the employee intranet.

Remember to have rewards for the best intranet users for every month. Be creative and make several reward categories for the program to be inclusive. If you want to boost the results of your employee intranet the secret is leading by example, providing necessary feedback, and share what others are doing.

The power of persuasion and social proof is vital when wheedling employees to use the intranet platform. You need an intranet with robust features and functionalities so that it can back you up by providing unrivaled performance. This is a platform that would transcend what emails and Microsoft Outlook normally do. Get in touch with us – LS Intranet – if you desire a powerful yet affordable and flexible employee intranet for your company.

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