advantages of intranet

Internal interactions within corporations is key in bolstering efficiency as well as commitment among the teams. While multiple tools and proprietary software can support in scaling up workforce interactions in organizations, intranets, both legacy and contemporary have proven to be the most ideal software for encouraging comprehension of corporate goals. Today, we’re going to focus on the advantages of intranets as a core ingredient in bolstering motivation, interactions and collaboration among workers.

  1. Workplace Culture

Some HR officers may underestimate the imperativeness of intranets in entrenching norms that drives performance to the next level. An intranet is customizable enabling a firm to tune up most of its features to suit their particular needs. The advantage of intranet to organizational culture is appreciated through the use of news sites, community sites, forums, and departmental sites. CEOs utilize these sites to give materials to work teams while engrafting the goals of the corporation in these professional items.

  1. Salient Document Storage, Retrieval, Sharing & Versioning

You cannot mention the advantages of an intranet platform without stating its role in enabling teams, departmental heads, and partners to freely share data.  Intranets removes the physical barriers that prevents trainees from accessing valuable documents including company’s privacy policy, terms & conditions and workplace rules.

  1. Comprehensive People’s Directory

Contacting the CEO or key administrator in a small enterprise can be easier, but in a franchise of 500 employees or more operating in different jurisdictions, it becomes a tall order.

intranet advantages

People Directory feature displays the profiles of users from the juniors to the board of management team. Each person’s profile provides contact information that allows other teams within the intranet platform to contact him/her with just a click of a button.

  1. Fast Processing of Multi-Departmental Projects

If you want to organize a project that requires effort from various departments, then the intranet is your ideal solution. The advantage of intranet is that it is a single platform where different teams pull up resources and synergies to create a project that demands attention of experts from many groups. Project teams can create their own sites where they organize data, share information and check on work progress anywhere anytime.

  1. Unrivaled Security

When we talk about document sharing and free platform where anyone can contact anyone, an IT professional would first think of security of the system. Intranets offer unprecedented advantage as it has various security layers that encrypt end-to-end information packets. Additionally, different users have different levels of permissions that gives them unique privileges within the site.

advantages of intranet

Time is up for you to partner with a reliable and flexible intranet service provider. As LS Intranet, we pride ourselves for all the above intranet advantages and many more including affordability and versatility of our systems. We serve big and small enterprises, growing and multinational organizations as well as any business that wants to increase productivity by smoothening internal communications.

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