It’s sad to note that most enterprises are implementing intranet strategies on the premise that their prime competitors have successfully rolled out intranet solutions for the businesses. What can be monumental for your industry may be less effective in another. As corporates who have been in the industry long, enough to understand a whole-hog of factors surrounding intranets. That is why, we have a burning desire to offer you a better perspective towards your intranet.
Why is your collaboration platform not providing the desired results? Why does it seem to be counterproductive? Properly planned and strategized intranets never fail – they give you beyond what you expect. Here we’re going to talk about solutions that can help you resuscitate and redefine your corporate intranet platform roadmap.
Focus on What is Best For Your Business
The buzz surrounding company intranet relating to its use, capabilities and economic viability should not distract you from those things that can connect your stratified and dispersed teams. Remember that content and functionality drives the use of the interaction platform. Do an analysis and know the type and number of community sites you may need to have, know the type of content you are willing to share, select admins for managing sites and even set permissions for accessibility.
Don’t forget to include employees and even partners when deciding which documents are sharable and who manages what. Make everything clear for everyone and highlights the benefits of company intranet software to everyone.
It’s Time to Prioritize
Effective intranet for a company is one, which follows the policies, and procedures of the company. Prioritize tasks, sites, and applications. Compare the function of each feature with the goals of the organization and give priority to those that can bolster performance and productivity. Conduct surveys and find what employees think about features that affect them directly such inclusion of social media-like buttons for liking, adding emoji and commenting on blogs.
Consider the costs of managing the entire company intranet software. SaaS solutions offer quick and on-the-go systems that do not require you to invest heavily in equipment and training. These subscription models are great as it offers you what you need in regarding your economic muscle.
Corporate Intranet Service as a Portal
Note that the primary role of your intranet is always to satisfy the end users (employees and others who access the platform via the extranet). Using the service as the company intranet portal facilitates the integration of various features and customized applications as well as widgets based on the needs of your enterprise.
The platform acts as a central location where managers and team leaders can monitor and assess the progress of various projects. Teams share files while top leadership post company’s forthcoming events on the company’s blog.
Company intranet software provided an all-in-one platform where teams regardless of their location can access both administrative services and tasks expected of them. As LS intranet we proffer nothing less than revolutionary infrastructure and support for SMS and multinationals to plan, implement, deploy and operate their intranets. Contact us and get started with our free demo.
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