Intranet collaboration tools

Would you believe that having ineffective information access can cost companies $14,000 per employee, each year?

According to IDC, a market research company, that’s exactly how much all those wasted clicks and unanswered queries are costing companies in today’s economy.

And for larger companies, with hundreds of employees, this cumulative cost is absolutely staggering.

The Initial Stages of Intranet Design

When it comes down to it, one of the most essential parts of creating an effective intranet is to get it right from the initial design phase. This is going to be different for each company, as each business has its own unique set of challenges and requirements.

social intranet

In the beginning stages, it’s important to understand what the purpose of the company intranet is, and what the objectives of the intranet design are.

What functions does management need? What options and collaboration tools do the employees need? These are all things that need to be clearly defined and understood, through the initial intranet design phase.

Collaboration Tools: Staff Involvement

Involving your employees in the initial intranet design of the company intranet is going to benefit the overall project on many levels.

When employees are asked for their opinions and ideas, and see those put into the project, it makes them feel valued and appreciated. When management actually hears direct input from the employees on what collaboration tools would make their job faster and easier, everyone wins.

The employees are happy, more efficient, and management is seeing that bottom line change they were looking for. On the other end, the employees will be more enthusiastic about using the platform when it’s deployed, given their involvement in the intranet design.

intranet collaboration tools

They’ll be excited to try out the new tools they asked for, and more willing to adapt.

The other important aspect of this component is the analytics. How will you measure the success of your intranet? It’s a critical part of ensuring the long-term ROI remains positive.

As time goes on, things will inevitably change within the workplace and you won’t know what needs to change, unless you’re monitoring and measuring it. How will success be measured? How will you ensure your intranet continues to deliver value as years progress?

Determining these things from the beginning will allow you to create benchmarks and a solid foundation for monitoring your investment.

Team Collaboration Tools & Opportunities

Because the employees were involved in the intranet design process, they will now have new and improved ways to work together and collaborate, in a way that is truly relevant and beneficial to their roles within the organization.

In addition to having better collaboration tools, they will have many other features that will bring them closer as a team and foster cohesiveness. Don’t hesitate to implement own LS Intranet, as when everyone is on the same page, and working towards the same goals, the opportunities are endless!

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Joe Mitchell

Thanks for the information! When we asked our agents their opinion concerning intranet design and navigation, it was found that they require additional option for clients’ registration, except CRM. And the work process has significantly impoved with the new feature implementation.


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