Tick-tock, tick-tock – times are changing, new digital tools come and go, others come and reform the industry but some businesses lurk as others celebrate these trends. Rigid business models risk being tossed out the pacing stream of technological advancements while adaptable enterprises grow and expand as they take advantage of the digital tools. One threat of advancing digital landscape is disruption of existing systems and confusion caused by thousands of technologies emerging every year. Selecting the most suitable technologies that can expand the scope of your digital workplace solutions may not be easy. And that’s why; we’re providing you a glimpse of the digital trends that can be relevant to your organization this year.
Video content is an emerging that isn’t going away soon. Videos are more relatable than written information and are useful in tutorials, trainings and expression of brand culture. Vlogging involves sharing your marketing, informative, and educational videos on vlogs, social media, social intranets and other platforms. Videos are attractive, engaging and compelling.
For that reason, Facebook and Twitter integrated “Live” feature in their sites as they want to be part of the trending vlogging. You might really want to consider videos in your bucket list of digital workplace trends you might want to incorporate in your business this year.
Application of artificial intelligence (AI) in businesses seemed a farfetched narrative few years ago. But look, as we speak; blogs, e-commerce sites, inventory centers, retail stores and mobile devices are leveraging AI to improve user experience and boost performance. AI has been made possible through machine learning where it has enabled:
- 1:1 language translation in websites
- Virtual assistants like Google’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri
- Automated responders
- Voice-to-text messages apps
- Price recommendations for consumers
- Data analytics
- Smart in-built search engines
- Fraud detection
- Process automation
The list is endless but you simply can’t ignore adoption of AI as part of your digital workplace solutions. You can use it to analyze data and make forecasts, easily find target markets, automate customer support process and let your business go global.
Influencers and Social Intranets
Just the other day, Nike took advantage of the Colin Kaepernick controversial NFL protest to make an ad which caused sales to surge by $6 billion. In this age, brands adopt and incorporate human-touch in their marketing strategies. Influencers have huge followership and sometimes, they are like idols to their fans. In your marketing mix, you can try to embrace this digital trend to see how it generates leads so fast which. Your marketing team should be prepared well to handle thousands of new customers trying to try your product.
It’s not a question of how but when will poor communication cause attrition among employees, high turnover and low productivity. Reduce churning in the workplace means fostering communication processes by using a social intranet tool that connects all teams including remote workers. These tools are digital trends you can’t ignore as they can give you competitive edge in the industry as your rack-and-file employees can communicate, share files and train using an intranet portal.
As you try to keep up with these digital workplace trends, you might want more information about reliable social intranet tools. As LS Intranet, we’re the leading intranet SaaS providers for SMBs and large enterprises alike. Talk to one of our support staff to get you started.
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