6 Lessons to Learn From Firing Your Top Developer

6 Lessons to Learn From Firing Your Top Developer

Some lessons are best learned from other people’s experiences, and with the positive responses that this story has elicited, it is best that we highlight it as well.

Recently was published a notorious article entitled “We fired the most talented employee. It’s the best decision we’ve ever made.” It has obtained so many positive responses that we cannot just puss it by.

Rick (not his real name) was a top developer in a particular company and was said to be the only person in the institution with a deep product knowledge. Therefore, when other members of the development team had any questions, they always referred it to Rick, and he would help out with decisions. Due to his expertise, Rick was always bombarded with a lot of tasks that he was unable to complete his own coding and projects development. This was also coupled with the fact that he had to teach his colleagues.

As he was not performing as expected, the company considered that he had become arrogant due to his brilliance and the fact that he was indispensable. As a result, he was fired.

However, What Was The Real Issue?

Having a huge experience in hiring and managing developers, we figured out key pillars every company management should learn. This will ensure that you will prevent the loss of revenue, production of awkward products, employee termination and ultimately the company’s collapse.

6 Crucial Lessons a Company Management Should Learn:


You fired your top talent. I hope you’re happy – 6 lessons to remember from LS Intranet


intranet software for developers

1. It is necessary to have team leaders that are responsive, no matter the size of your IT project. This is especially important where the process of writing new code lines, reprogramming and development is continuous and cannot be arranged by the IT managers alone. A team leader can be relied on to address any issues that may arise.


2. Be sure to keep track of all the work processes. No programmer should miss any meeting because of the number of tasks they are working on. Where a ticket has been delayed or prolonged for too long, chances are that the programmer needs assistance. Keeping track of the open and closed tickets is the primary level of your company’s success rate.


3. The workload of each programmer should be regulated. It is probable that a programmer who is qualified and experienced in writing in more languages or in solving more problems would be bombarded by more work. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that this specialist should do it. By using a different programmer who lacks experience with the said question, you enable him to gain new skills as he attempts to solve the problem.


6 Lessons to Learn From Firing Your Top Developer

4. Maintaining documentation is another important lesson that companies should learn. Preparing all required documentation for each code line ensures that you are prepared for employees quitting and staff replacement. Also, by checking and controlling the ticket and bug load of each team member, you will be updated on product readiness and of every development stage.


5. The well-being of your employees should also be a top priority for you. Their productivity will increase when they get enough sleep, have adequate time for relaxing and get annual vacations. An environment that doesn’t appreciate or motivate an employee is frustrating for them.


6. Teamwork is one of the biggest secrets of progressive companies. You can build a cohesive team of your employees through different ways including team building, corporate celebrations and mutual off time. By spending more time together, your employees learn to share their ideas, impediments, and dreams. This free communication should also be translated to the leadership of the company.

Working in a toxic environment or in one without motivation is most likely to kill even the strongest of personalities. In the story above, this personality was Rick. This is especially rampant where the character in question is an introvert, as they tend to be quiet even when under overwhelming pressure.

For avoiding all the mentioned problems and building a unified system of development process try to use an innovative intranet solution. Its instruments such as LS Intranet Task Manager and Social Tools will help you keep track of the different processes that take place in your development team and streamline communication between the leadership and the departments.

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