collaborative intranet

Microsoft is undoubtedly the market leader when it comes to workplace technology as its popular brands (Windows OS and Microsoft Office) are used by millions of people across the world. The tech giant has shown its resilience in the industry through engineering of products that meet consumers’ needs.

Microsoft has vehemently influenced the corporate sector – they continue racking up the creation of collaborative tools that have brought a paradigm shift in the ways interactions are carried out in the workplace.  Office 365 which comes integrated with SharePoint and Yammer is Microsoft’s topmost tools for document and communications management.

Microsoft Teams the Next Revolutionary Workplace Collaboration Tool

Well-built workplace communication collaboration software that comes with Office 365 espouses intranet features that mesh conversations, content, programs, and people into one thing. This workplace chat app joins a myriad of other chat tools such as Slack with the aim of creating sociable work ecosystems.

It has been reported that over 85% of Fortune 500 companies take advantage Yammer and other Microsoft Teams collaboration software to spearhead discussions across their organizations. Microsoft is continually looking for ways to make teams integrated by coming up with collaboration tools that embrace hi-tech content management solutions. Skype for business, Yammer, Microsoft Outlook and SharePoint are collaborative intranet solutions that have transformed the way the employees and managers communicate.

Crowning Stroke for Microsoft Teams Collaboration Tools

Microsoft collaborative intranet software is outstanding because of its seamless integration with Office 365. This allows employees to work in groups preparing documents, arranging video conferences and engage in fruitful discussions in one place. Microsoft a cross-membership plan that will enable businesses to switch from SharePoint to Yammer without incurring change associated costs.

collaboration software

Microsoft collaboration tools help in keeping track of all conversations in the workplace in threaded chats to ensure that everyone gets informed at all times. Office 365 can be accessed by employees anywhere allowing them to collaborate even when they outside the work environment. The collaboration software gives teams a chance to personalize comments, likes, chats, and messages by using emojis, stickers, memes, and GIFs.

Productivity in businesses is realized when teams can put up the organization’s building blocks harmoniously. Microsoft’s collaboration intranets enable the creation of a slew of customizable channels for team leaders and managers to properly organize their members and get them work on projects efficiently.  Apps such as Outlook, OneNote, and Planner are embedded in Office 365 allowing people to manage their tasks effortlessly.

An outstanding feature of these workplace social intranets is their ability to bring in third-party services like Github, Twitter and Facebook cement discourses. With the Microsoft Bot Framework, the collaborative intranet has never been this augmentative. The service allows seamless integration of third-party tools to the intranet system permitting interested parties such as key partners to join internal business conversations.

With their stringent security and compliance policies, Microsoft collaboration software is safer to use. Your experience with Microsoft Teams can be more exciting with the use of cloud-based intranets offered by online intranet vendors. LS Intranet delivers you with Office 365 that’s complete with Yammer integration to help your organization regardless of size manage its conversations. Contact us, and we can help you take your business’s communications to greater heights.

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