Employee Recognition & Development Strategy That Creates Higher Performance and Engagement

We are down to the first quarter of the 21st century, and businesses are neglecting their employees are already feeling the heat. Employee development is a critical component of any HR office. The presence of employee development and recognition programs in an organization increases engagement by 63% and productivity by 61%.

Today, companies have various tools at their disposal to help them build a strong employee development program. Staff intranets are becoming staples of enterprises that want to boost engagement by improving internal communications.

Why Workforce Development Matters

Even with various technologies around, corporations still struggle with 20th-century problems of low employee retention rates. Without any clear framework that gives employees surety of growth within your organization, teams are bound to leave searching for better companies.

Why Workforce Development Matters

With employee intranet in place, you can reduce turnover by providing meaningful employee recognition plans. This collaborative platform allows managers to celebrate small wins to achieve larger goals. Each department can post in its site their employee of the month, which can motivate others to improve their performance.

Creating a favorable environment for teams is vital in improving workplace culture. You can develop a pleasant atmosphere for every unit by offering them the right resources to perform their tasks. Staff intranet allows you to assign permissions to various teams. Employees with user privileges can search for particular documents and files and make it available for the rest of the group.

Designing workforce development programs and linking them to talent strategy and workplace culture is essential in nurturing recruits and providing a platform for the veteran employees to develop. Employees love doing things they can excel in them. Employee intranet enables your HR department to create sites for career development and onboarding processes. These sites provide guidelines on how teams can receive regular and ongoing training within the organization or in higher learning institutions.

Indeed, employee development strategies centered on promoting individual employee growth receive much success. As you focus on boosting employee growth, you can increase retention rates by creating recognition, reward, and promotion programs around your company’s culture. Employee intranets give you a myriad of tools and widgets to enhance workplace culture while promoting the growth of your workforce.

Feedback. Feedback. Feedback

Getting first-hand feedback on what employees think of the current recognition and career growth programs are invaluable.  Feedback enables you to personalize your relationship with employees. With staff intranet, you have a solution that allows you to focus on what employees say about existing HR programs.

Feedback. Feedback. Feedback

Focusing on Strengths

What intrigues and motivates today’s knowledge worker? Through our experience with multiple workforce teams, non-expensive rewards tailored to the strengths of each employee motivates teams in unimaginable ways. If you’re using an employee intranet, you can celebrate employee birthdays and anniversaries. Colleagues can send emojis, Gifs, and their wishes too. You can also provide e-learning and training that focuses on the strengths of your teams.

Undoubtedly, staff intranet is a crucial tool for any enterprise that desires to bolster employee recognition and engagement. Teaming up with the right intranet vendor can increase your chances of success in developing salient career growth programs. LS intranet is an award-winning SaaS intranet service provider. As industry leaders, we have solutions for startups and corporate businesses. You can try out our demo for free!

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