Does Your Intranet Design Fit Your Team?

If you don’t have an engaging social collaboration tool, your team already interacts on another platform. The only difference is; the discussions are not necessarily work-oriented. But you can definitely pick your intranet design ideas from such platforms.

Designs That Encourage Usability

Intranet and employee engagement are inseparable. Regardless of how good modern intranet design features are, as long as there are no active users, it will have no impact.

Fortunately, social media tools have already set users on motion using chat rooms, forums, and the like. Your intranet design only needs to be customized for your team, and the conversations will follow.

Designs That Promote Document Access

The intranet design needs to draw people deliberately together. For example, by centralizing access to general reports, frequently asked questions (FAQ’S), and other essential documents.

What we mean by this is, all ‘must access’ documents should be put in the intranet’s public area. This will prompt users to bump into each other during access and possibly be triggered to start a conversation.

Designs That Encourage Feedback

In cases where team members are secretive or timid, the intranet design should be done in a way that guides and prompts active discussions. If you already have another platform, you only need to re-design the features that promote members’ activity and response.

Designs That Encourage Feedback

Designs That Fuels Collaboration

If you were stuck on a project, would you rather brainstorm with the team or ask individuals? Well, this depends on the kind of team you are in. Mature teams that have a high-performance culture and whose members are not afraid to ask questions thrive on discussions.

For many organizations, intranet designs are a one-stop source of solutions. Whether one is around the office, out in the field, or working from home, the intranet becomes that flexible solution. This can be credited to its ability to combine the efforts of several team members to solve erupting issues.

Some of the must-haves for a winning modern intranet design are:

  1. People

The intranet design should be easy to relate to and appealing. For example, images of staff gatherings, recognition ceremonies on the home page are perfect. Additionally, tools that allow staff to connect, for example, ‘follow’ buttons can boost the intranet’s acceptance.

  1. Up-do-date, accurate and reliable content

Team members need to feel the information on the internet is transformative, or else they will only login for a minute, submit reports, and disappear.

Up-do-date, accurate and reliable content

  1. A supportive access system while away from work

Workers will engage happily if the mobile interface is user-friendly. This means they can catch up on what’s new anywhere they are without the discomfort of downtimes.

Team members cannot be forced to embrace intranet; only luring intranet designs will get them to engage. LS intranet is one of the most reliable intranet vendors that offers design templates that can guide you in customizing the intranet portal to suit your organization. You can contact us on the buttons for inquiries.

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