More and more leaders working in top companies are realizing that developing cohesive and collaborative organizational culture in digital workplaces is every bit as important as in the physical office environments we share with colleagues. Getting projects off the ground, finished on budget and driving innovation requires collaboration between partners.
Between negotiating deals with vendors, listening to user input and responding dynamically to interdepartmental concerns, organizational culture can make or break any work-related endeavor.
Though the answers may not be obvious, discovering what systems and strategies can best align your team on the path to victory will only help you to fortify for the challenges ahead. Lean in, listen up and start building the team you need to get the job done. The digital workplace is fraught with a challenge but with an open ear to the ground and an eye to the sky you can future proof your goals and ensure you reach your maximum performance levels.
Whether you work for yourself as a contractor or as a part of a huge multinational firm, establishing the cultures of communication, performance review, troubleshooting, reward and so many other areas can help you to get the people you need to buying in and working their very best towards your shared mission.
Here are some things to consider that might help you to better navigate these topics:
1. Shared beliefs and assumptions about the current way of doing things are the foundations of your organizational culture.
2. There is no perfect solution for every type of business. Instead, working with what you have a digital workplace, holding a plan and possibly following it loosely as new information becomes an available, might be the best ways to develop a strategy for your digital work environment.
3. Don’t be afraid to try things out, assess and reassess. Practice makes perfect.
4. Some cultural beliefs and assumptions, perhaps about performance just to narrow in on one area could set you back in the digital workplace environment. For instance, different workers perform at different rates. Some might excel at moving faster and faster, others might see their work quality decline dramatically as they are pushed further. Being able to realize that different people have different ways to be useful, to be useful to the best of their ability, can really help. The more you begin to see the nuance and complexity of working with individuals the easier you will be able to craft strategies that appeal to the group or crowd.
Build it Up
Beliefs and values form the basis of organizational culture.
What is your mission?
What is this company about?
These answers can galvanize your team and align them towards a mission. The more you build up the culture of connection, the more cohesive your teams will be.
Try it Out
Don’t be afraid of asking tough questions. Find out how people feel about new policies, strategies, and directions.
Remember, a lot of people will struggle to keep up with constant shifting and realignment of priorities. The more unified you can frame your vision, the easier your team will see the path ahead and not get lost in the weeds.
Do not be afraid to test out different strategies in the digital workplace. There is no best organizational culture model. Each solution works best as a result of taking the best ideas and co-opting them for personal use and reconfiguration.
Disrupt the flow of monotony and break out of rhythms that don’t suit you. The more you can adapt to change, the easier it will be to make changes that will have positive lasting consequences.
Adoption is key but so is supporting your team. Manage with a loving heart, not an iron fist, but with constructive criticism.
What to Takeaway from Digital Workplace
By asking yourself the question about organization culture you are beginning the first step in the process to create and innovate. Be open to the question, consider if you are building the right sort of team and the right kind of work environment.
It might not be perfect but it can be fixed. Ask yourself these questions to move the ball a little further and narrow your focus just a bit sharper:
● What does your organization sound like? What is the tone of meetings, inter-organizational communications, outward brand identity to the public world?
● What values or practices are getting in the way of working within the digital workplace? Can you or your team think of policies that are tough to navigate?
● Does your digital workspace culture model the one you experience in the physical office? Why or why not? What are the differences?
● Is your organizational culture distinct where a person who spent a day working with your team would come away with a clear sense of what you are about?
In the era of technological development it’s highly important to meet all your social needs at work, and with LS Intranet you can enhance your corporate communications greatly, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
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