Content Management Tips:

Developing a modern intranet that prioritizes social sharing and employee contribution is the ideal solution for many growing companies today. But how do you get your employees on board with this vision, and how to do you encourage them to consistently contribute?

If you want to achieve long-term success with your employee intranet, it’s essential that you start your intranet design with thorough strategizing and goal-setting. The same goes for the content management portion of this platform.

If you want to achieve long-term success with your intranet content management system, you must have a plan and strategy in place. Here are 3 main tips to start (and keep!) your intranet content management systems alive and well:

1. Employee Intranet Management: Assign Community Managers

Similar to a Facebook group, you will need to be a designated community manager.

employee intranet

These people are responsible for the updating and management of whichever pages or groups have been assigned to them. They are not creating the content, but managing the people who are using the page. They’re creating and encouraging engagement, keeping the community updated and answering questions.

Having community managers will help maintain the page’s objectives while keeping the employees engaged and updated.

2. Employee Intranet: Assign Content Owners

Content owners, not to be confused with community managers, are those people who have been assigned to manage and maintain the centralized content for a given area within the employee intranet.

For example, there may be a group or page dedicated to providing the organization with updated and current contact information for every employee within the company. One person is assigned to manage this content and ensure it is current.

This way, someone is accountable for the content and it won’t become outdated.

3. Now that you have managers and owners, how do you keep them engaged?

Delegating and assigning tasks is the first step in this process. But how do you keep your delegates interested, willing and happily contributing to the overall success of the employee intranet? After all, these people already have full-time roles and many other responsibilities to manage.

The best way for intranet management is to assign these roles early and include the selected employees in the initial intranet design. That way, the employees will feel a sense of ownership and pride in something they helped to create.

If they’re involved in the development and design process, they’ll have a good understanding of how everything works, and understand the underlying objectives behind the whole thing. They’ll understand the why behind the what, and why this new platform is an integral part of moving the business forward.

employee intranet

Once your employee intranet has been deployed and the groups and pages are in full swing, it’s important to remember the value that your content owners and community managers are bringing to the organization. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to maintain the level of employee engagement or handle the intranet content management side of things.

Ideally, try to get the managers and owners together at least once a month they should have their own group, where they collaborate and work together to effectively manage the content system as a whole.

And don’t forget the coffee and muffins! You can also consider specialized workshops, training and mentor programs to assist the chosen employees with growing their own skills and increasing their team cohesiveness.

Intranet content management is highly important for all the companies portals, and LS Intranet will help and provide you with all needed instruments for creating the best corporate site.

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What Is A Company Suggestion Box? | LS Intranet Blog

[…] The content which goes into the company suggestion box is entirely up to your staff as it is their ideas, inputs, and propositions that will go into it. You would not want the same old suggestions to be repeated so it is a good idea to rotate the roles of the department designated to analyze suggestions a few times a year. […]


Lonnie Mclaren

Intranet content management can really help in developing more trustful and open relations between employees. At our company, we even assigned our administrator to manage intranet portal, so it will be actual for everyone.



Сontent management system intranet will assist any company to prescribe personal strategy. Especially when you decide on your own what and when to announce in the workplace. Thanks for the article!


Jaime Barnes

In fact, if we talk about connecting and introducing employees to all working processes and notifying them about company news, then the content management system intranet does its job well. Especially, when it comes to really large projects.



Nowadays when large goals are set for the quarter in large companies, chaos usually occurs. But not far so long ago, after the last year, we have connected an intranet, we managed to cope with all news chaos. The article is well-done, thank you


Lee Perry

The management system intranet helps to get a mutual understanding between those who build work plans and perform them.


Beth Holloway

When it comes to working with the management of a large company as for me without the management system intranet in the modern world, there is no sense even in starting work and building a co-operation between the departments.


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