Cloud-Based Intranet Software

If you’ve been researching an intranet solution for your business or organization, you’ve likely come across your two main options. You can build something in-house, or use a solution that is remote and cloud-based.

While they both have their pros and cons, there are some major benefits to using the cloud for your company intranet solution.

1. Shorter Implementation Time

We have talked before about the length of time traditional intranet solutions can take. With our cloud-based intranet system, you’ll be active in one week.

The on-site work will only take one hour — not weeks or months. You will not need an IT department to dedicate countless hours to installing, securing, and maintaining this intranet solution.

We manage all of this for you remotely.

2. Decreased Initial Investment

Implementing an off-premise intranet solution will provide significantly lower upfront costs to your organization. With an in-house network intranet solution, the initial costs of set-up, software, licenses, and training are significant.

When your system is held in the Cloud, all that is avoided in exchange for a low monthly charge for updates and maintenance. And, you get a provider you can rely on to keep things running smoothly.

3. With Cloud-based Intranet Solution, Business Growth is Easier

For many companies, one of the main reasons they choose to invest in a company intranet is to facilitate business growth.

cloud-based intranet solution

With the deployment of your new intranet, you will be giving your employees the tools and resources they need to be more effective. Increased effectiveness leads to increased efficiency, which will, in turn, grow your business.

But how can your existing intranet accommodate business growth? With a system in the Cloud, growth becomes easy. A few updates and tweaks and your intranet is ready to handle the new objectives and volume.

4. Cloud-based Intranet Solution: Ease of Use & Access

We live in a digital world, and employees now have an expectation of a digital workplace. When employees are only able to access the company intranet when physically in the office, it creates a major hurdle to their use and adoption of the tool.

cloud-based intranet solution

And what about employees who travel or work remotely? Giving your staff secured entry to the intranet from any location will encourage them to use it, and give them the power and autonomy today’s workers are looking for.

5. No New Staff or Space Required

As traditional offices become smaller to accommodate the ever-changing digital workplace, even big companies can find themselves without the capacity or space to have an IT department. In some cases, they simply aren’t needed.

Luckily, you don’t need a dedicated department to have a cloud-based intranet solution. Because there is no need for physical equipment, this removes the need for space or people to manage it. Any employee can be easily trained in your new digital workplace.

As you can see, the Cloud-Based solution will significantly simplify your whole company work, don’t waste your time and implement LS Intranet to be most effective and efficient organization.

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Oliver Mathews

It’s good that the methods of work in the company are getting better and gaining momentum here like with a cloud intranet


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