company intranet

When it comes to developing and deploying your own company intranet, it’s important to understand the difference between traditional usages, and what companies are experiencing today. If you want your intranet to be successful, utilized and actually generate ROI for your business, there are some important misperceptions you should know about.

All types of Outbound Communications Receive the best Engagement on Tuesday Afternoons

company intranet


While it’s true that traditionally, things like email marketing have always shown proven results to confirm this statement, the same doesn’t appear to hold true in the context of the company intranet. Studies and surveys have shown that employees appear to access and engage with content published on the company intranet fairly consistently throughout the work week.

So, this means that it doesn’t pay to save all your updates and publications for Tuesday afternoons. Send content out consistently and evenly throughout the week, as your users are accessing and engaging with content all the time.

Employees have no Reason or Desire to Access Company Intranet outside of Regular Working Hours


Even more interesting is that many employees are now choosing to access the company intranet outside of their regular working hours, which is something that was never an option before.

company intranet

Now that companies are confident with the security of the Cloud, employees are no longer chained to a VPN or server. They can access their platform from anywhere, at any time, which has proven to dramatically increase the amount of user content that is published.

When a company has a blog and wants contributions from employees, this process becomes far easier. Employees can write a blog over the weekend when their creativity was peaked, or even upload their new presentation template in the evening when it’s most convenient for them. Giving employees access when they want it will increase how often they use the company intranet, thus increasing the value the entire organization is getting from it

Employees won’t Contribute to the Company Intranet, Anyway


A company intranet is an inherently social tool, but it only works if employees actually publish content, and engage with the content published by their coworkers. When someone gets positive reinforcement for their writing or posts, it acts as a motivator for further publications.

company intranet

A company intranet behaves the same, and studies have shown that when an employee receives likes, comments, and shares, they are significantly more likely to continue posting. When first starting out, it’s often helpful to encourage employees to comment and engage with other people’s content — this gets the ball rolling and encourages everyone to support one another and make their own contributions as well.

We at LS Intranet believe that modern technologies can significantly improve your business achievements and corporate relatives, thus don’t waste your time and contact us!


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Chris Leroux

Absolutely right. When you enhance your employees to share their ideas or just thought, it makes them more cohesive and engaged into the working process. The company intranet is one of the most powerful instruments for successful communications between remote teams.


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