intranet portal

These days, most corporations have their own intranet portal, which is somewhat like the internet except for the fact that it’s only accessible to those within the company. However, Intranets are not just useful for large enterprises, SMEs can benefit from them hugely too.

For many of the largest international corporations, using an intranet system, just makes good business sense. In essence, an intranet portal operates much like the internet of the world wide web except it operates on a smaller and more isolated scale. In this case, within your organization, linking your employees in an exciting new way.

intranet portal

The thing is, with advances in platforms, now even small and medium size enterprises can benefit from these tools that have been assisting the biggest companies to transform organizational culture, drive innovation and fuel cohesion across the workforce.

Intranet Portal for Employees

Basically an intranet system is a great idea for your operations because it simplifies and streamlines communications. Employees with different clearances get access to different levels of information. If this reminds you if the military it should because the chain of command style of the intranet portal has been running internally in some of the biggest corporations and militaries the world over. Now, your team can come together to realize new prosperity thanks to the power of the intranet portal.

The intranet system will allow you and your partners to collaborate in radical new ways. You can use it as a tool to support your policies, perspectives and frameworks. Due to the slightly less formal nature of the intranet many of your employees may feel a freedom to express themselves digitally that they did not display previously.

For many types of employees the office intranet system can be extremely liberating and even pacifying. The more your staff is functioning as a cohesive unit or team, the better your chances of success. The intranet builds a more cohesive, battle ready team.

By creating an intranet system, you are supporting your employees to connect and perhaps even take on work in radically new ways. Once your system is up and running and the whole team is on board, you might find that telecommuting opportunities arrive as being centralized takes on less precedence.

You can host meanings, launch communications and update policies all in one place where all your staff can easily find them. The intranet is truly revolutionizing the modern business landscape.

Watch Intranet Portal Grow

Before you get started with the implementation of your new organizational culture supporting intranet, it is important to understand the specific needs of your company.

intranet system

Hiring an outside organization to assist you with a comprehensive communication needs audit is always a smart investment. Like any other new policy, getting it right the first time can save you huge amounts of time and money in the long run.

The intranet system should be efficient, smooth and easy for everyone to use. If it isn’t, it will be much harder for your employees to adopt it as the essential tool it can and should be to your company.

Once you can communicate freely between your whole staff, you might see your whole culture transformation and creativity blossom. The thing is, without people having to read and write so many repetitive emails.

Discussions on the intranet can even take the place of meetings. You might find you are able to let your staff engage in digital office spaces which offer the same, to even greater engagement as traditional spaces.

The workplace is transforming and intranet portals are a huge part of the revolution. Maybe it’s time for you to discuss with us how to bring a communications intranet system to your organization?

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Nick Otto

Agree with this data, intranet portal great improves overall corporate communications. Especially when your business operates in different countries where people speak in various languages. There must be one channel to fastly connect and work together, not just talk through skype or something else…


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