9 Reasons Why the Intranet is the Best Alternative to the Email System in 2018

 Cut down on costs and stop slicing your budget for different tools to perform tasks

So, what’s wrong with the email system?

Only a short time ago email was a breakthrough in technology.  It changed the way people communicate as well as work over the years. But nowadays email is dead.


The online email system isn’t as protected as you may think. There must be a better functionality to exchange data such as mailing addresses and credit card numbers etc. within one organization.


Each of the staff members gets a heap of emails daily. Picturing the scene when you require revising clients references sent a couple of months ago, maybe a real problem. Besides, do employees usually have enough free time to search for the batch of emails while the work is in full gear.


The flow of unread emails in the very beginning of the average employee’s workday is a reality. It’s really annoying question from which email start answering? How many emails can I handle before dinner? Which can be postponed? All that results in stress and frustration.

Take a Peek at this Offer

Find out 4 Main Limitations of Using Email for Work

Also, you’ll get acquainted with 10 weighty reasons why business has nothing but to change the email on the modern technologies.

Download our free whitepaper to get all the answers you were looking for!

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