SharePoint Intranet Technology

Provides enterprise-scale capabilities to meet business-critical needs

Okay, you have decided to update your intranet portal or build a brand new one. One of the key questions you will be faced to – what technology platform you should use.

There are plenty of technologies that allow you to build an intranet – Microsoft SharePoint/Office 365, WordPress, IBM Websphere Portal, Liferay, SAP Netweaver and a lot of others. There is no single answer for all  the organizations. The answer very depends on a type of a company, intranet team skills and what you value.

Let’s have a look at winners of the most reputable Intranet contest – Nielsen Norman Design Annual that was created by Kara Pernice in 2001 and is organized by Nielsen Norman Group.

Organization Technology used
American Cancer Society (Nonprofit, US) SharePoint 2013
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (Law, US) SharePoint 2013
The Co-operators Group (Insurance, Canada) SharePoint 2013
Dorma (Construction, Germany) Office 365, SharePoint
Enbridge (Energy, Canada) SharePoint 2013
Intermountain Healthcare (Healthcare, US) SharePoint 2013
NAV Canada (Aerospace, Canada) SharePoint 2013, Content Matrix
Repsol (Energy, Spain) SDL Tridion 11
Salini Impregilo (Construction, Italy) SharePoint 2013
The Swedish Parliament (Government, Sweden) EPiServer CMS 7, SharePoint 2013
Organization Technology used
Adobe (Technology, US) Adobe Experience Manager
ConocoPhillips (Energy, US) SharePoint 2013
Klick Health (Agency, Canada) Custom
SFDA (Government, Saudi Arabia) SharePoint 2013
Sprint (Telecommunications, US) OpenText Web Experience Management
Tauron (Energy, Poland) Office Web Apps
The Foschini Group (Retail, South Africa) SharePoint 2013
UniCredit (Finance, Italy) SharePoint
Verizon (Telecommunications, US) Drupal
Accolade (Real Estate, The Netherlands) SharePoint 2013

SharePoint Intranet Technology Used by Winners

There are nine technology platforms used by winners, and the clear winner is SharePoint.

Why SharePoint intranet/Office 365 has such a big market share, and why we have chosen it for building LS Intranet?

SharePoint Intranet Customization

Each customer has own needs. That’s why customization is so important. With SharePoint intranet, you can customize everything you see on a screen, and non-technical staff can do the most of the work.

Software Environment

A lot of organizations use Active Directory (e.g. 95% of Fortune 1,000 companies) for user management and Microsoft Exchange for mailing. When you launch your intranet, one of the first steps is to create or sync user profiles and manage them. SharePoint intranet and Office 365 have native support for Active Directory, and that’s why you will have no pain with this issue.

Moreover, when it comes to open or edit Word document / Excel worksheet / PowerPoint slide deck, Office 365 and SharePoint intranet have seamless integration with these popular office applications. Your user experience will be amazing, and you will get the most from all services and programs.


SharePoint Intranet Technology


When you launch your intranet software, you will have to develop and support it. You need to train or hire technical staff to make it possible, or to contract with a third-party supplier. The bigger is the number of technical specialists and suppliers, the better is a quality of its services. And of course, large community means finding answers easier.

There are more than one million SharePoint intranet developers around the world and millions of professionals who know this platform good enough to create business solutions.

SharePoint Intranet Reliability

A big vendor means huge budgets on R&D and support. Microsoft is one of the Top3 publicly traded companies around the world with a market capitalization of more than $500 billion.

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