benefits of intranet

Much has been said about the intranet but this time, we’re going to take you through a nervy yet intriguing journey towards successful execution of your internal communication strategies via the intranet service. The ultimate intranet benefit the service bestows to your workers is engaged teams that are cardinal in the realization of business’s goals.

Mckinsey and Gartner have proven that benefits of the intranet centers around team interaction and cooperation – two factors that are fundamental in bolstering sales among dispersed teams. Millennials form a large percentage of the workforce and their way of thinking and doing work requires a form of social setup in an enterprise. Intranets can accelerate workforce engagement, teamwork, and productivity in various ways.

Social Workplaces is all Millennials Desire

Most employees, as well as HR officers, are tired with the traditional bureaucratic and hierarchical nature organizations. People desire a system where they can socially relate, ask for information, docs and other important information without being tossed up from one department to another. That’s where intranets pop in. Intranet benefits an org by pitting the previous challenges thus playing a crucial role is creating meaningful relationships between subordinates and their superiors.

Refocusing HR Roles

People often forget the primary roles of HR officers, which are to hire, train and manage employee welfare concerns. HR managers usually find themselves juggling between payroll preparation, health insurance follow-ups, and irksome performance appraisal preparations.

benefits of the intranet

Cutting down on admin’s work is one of the pivotal benefits of the intranet that drives team and individual performance. HR teams can then focus on their principal roles thus reducing attrition between workforce teams in SMBs. Modern intranets include sites where workers can acquire forms for insurance, performance reviews etc. They can always see the status of their forms.

Proper Onboarding

Recruiting new talents doesn’t have to be a hell of a process anymore. Recruitment, training and career development processes can use the social nature of the intranet platform to streamline the all process. Social tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are connected to the company’s intranet enabling the HR teams to assess live feeds from these platforms regarding job posts. Other benefits of the intranet to newly recruited talents include accessing the feeds from blogs, forums, and communities.

Once the recruits have been selected, they can use community sites within the intranet to ask for a question or use their site dedicated for them to access materials that can be helpful to them. Probation period in most companies for new hires is six months – at this time the recruits are unproductive while you’re using a lot of resources to orientate them. Intranet benefits involve cutting down this time and resources enabling the new hires to be productive in less than three months.

Document distribution and knowledge administration are the prime benefits of intranet for teams and the entire business. Proper utilization of this collaborative and social platform bolsters employee engagement thus accelerating the growth and ROI of the organization. Give a try to LS Intranet service to reduce attrition and boost the performance of your teams.

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