SharePoint Intranet Development: 10 Advises to Get Perfection

Microsoft SharePoint is said to be most attractive and efficient intranet development solution. Most of the vendors who decide to build own intranet portal prefer SharePoint platform for its multi-functionality, box of features, Office 365 integration and Microsoft well-known security and protection.

Having collected a great cloud-based experience, improved internal search engine, and the full set of options and features in 2016, it has approved to be still #1 among all accessible sharepoint intranet roofs.

Organizations are striving to implement all needed functions for their business, forgetting about user adoption front, which leads to a commonly spread misunderstanding of how difficult SharePoint platform is and it gains a bad reputation in some way.

So, it’s a crucial question to guarantee that your digital workplace is good enough for usage. But how to do that? The thing is that every separate company has its unique needs and demands as well as particular functionality, but nevertheless, there are 10 following best sharepoint intranet practices formula for suiting almost all corporate requests:

  1. Understanding the Purposes

The field of your company activity greatly influences on the number and the specificity of SharePoint intranet tools you need. Whether is a banking sphere, IT development, educational, etc. , all that plays a huge role.

sharepoint intranet

Also, you have to spend a lot of time for observing how your employees handle their everyday tasks, communicate and take a part in the whole company process to find out what they actually lack at work.

  1. Keep Laser Focus on Operability and Performance

Too often companies pay more attention to an attractive SharePoint intranet design while forgetting about more urgent and important things which sharepoint intranet provides them with – functionality. Certainly, own company branding and logo at homepage is a pleasant thing to see every morning.

But isn’t the structure of intranet portal even more significant? As well as the point of how your employees navigate the required data, does the inner search help them and is it useful for tasks performance?

  1. SharePoint Intranet User Generated Content is Top of Mind

If your intranet isn’t regularly updated, then it’s absolutely useless for the employees. The reason they require a single portal is initially latest and relevant data, which can’t be found anywhere else.

Often digital workplaces get flattened and come to naught at last when its information isn’t freshened timely.

  1. Integrate Social Networks

Due SharePoint is easily integrating with such most popular business network like Yammer, colleagues from one company can instantly connect with each other and discuss any important question. Also, such social features like @mentioning, commenting and liking are provided there for better staff involvement.

  1. Various Devices Responsiveness

Nowadays the growths of remote work, as well as mobility, are the crucial nuances for a productive and timely managed work. That’s why SharePoint has provided an excellent package of out of the box sharepoint intranet options and tools which are available from any device the worker operates from – whether it will be a laptop, tablet or a smartphone.

  1. SharePoint Intranet Personalized Homepage

Your company front page is the place where your workers should spend most of their working hours, so it must be minimalistic, cozy, convenient for usage, search and deliver an atmosphere of home and openness to share own ideas and thoughts whenever they work from.

digital workplace

  1. Intelligent Metadata Grouping

Metadata systematization is a highly essential point of SharePoint Intranet – only correctly introduced it helps all your team to find the required documents swiftly so that they won’t waste a lot of time for the search.

Think it over carefully and choose the terms which will be properly understood by your employees.

  1. Provide Your Staff with Comprehensive Learning Center

All your staff members must be enough stimulated to make their own contribution to intranet development – they should download, edit and discuss any item to be thoroughly engaged in the whole process.

Offer your employees the right SharePoint intranet training which will help them at any time they will have an answer about digital workplace practical usage.

  1. Set the Levels of Permissions

Thanks SharePoint opportunity to assign intranet access of different levels you will secure your company from any possible corporate information leakage.

Employees also can group altogether and create own mini teams depending on their working aims, specialties or departments to have an own private place for chatting and discussions.

  1. Take Care of Your Intranet

Your digital workplace will never be perfect enough for all working processes as time changes as well as technologies, so you need to follow recent innovations to integrate them, and further update and enhance your SharePoint intranet. Only in this way, you’ll get undoubtedly helpful and powerful solution for most productive and cohesive work.

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