intranet portal software

Intranet: Backbone of Collaborative Unity

An intranet is an institution’s exclusive network. In other words, tinier and institution bound version of the internet. Intranet, similar to the internet, connects users: the internet connects the world together while the intranet connects an institution and its workforce together.

As they comprise a common database, sharepoint intranets make a distribution of workflow much easier. Furthermore, having a common database is extremely helpful for document management as it eliminates redundancy and simplifies the sorting of files. Thus, intranets have become well-liked among firms today.

Extranet: Expand Your Corporation to New Horizons

While an intranet’s reach is limited to internal usage, extranets permit consented external groups, corporations outside,  to access permitted parts of the network. As a result, extranets function as expansions of intranets.

This is very handy in establishing deals with users, providers and other firms. For example, users can be given access to online ordering and order tracking. Similarly, partner companies can work together by utilizing a collaborative network. Furthermore, having an extranet is also useful for corporation workers. With the option of work access outside of the workplace, they can contribute to the workflow from any location.

Intranet portals: Guiding Beacons

Finally, sharepoint intranet portals are another crucial thing to be aware of.

intranet portal

Intranet portals are bridges linking intranets to other websites and applications from where users can collect further information. If the intranet acts as a menu from which you can access other content then intranet portals act as the remote controls. SharePoint Intranet portals allow users to view relevant content without leaving the intranet which makes the process very convenient.

LS Intranet: the Answer to All Your Corporate Collaboration Needs

With their intranet portal software that has an arsenal of powerful tools to make deliverable management and data accessibility a breeze, LS Intranet pioneers in high-quality intranet portals for your corporation. The software’s easy integration with mobile apps, flexible design, and user-friendly workflow place it a cut above any other intranet portal software in the market. What’s more, with LS and their intranet portal software you’ll have your new sharepoint intranet up and running in just a week!

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