The Connection Between Your Employee Intranet

It won’t be shocking news to learn that a happy employee is a productive employee. Countless studies and research projects have demonstrated that when employees are genuinely happy with their roles, their productivity increases drastically.

The million dollar question, though, is how can you keep your employees happy? And what does that have to do with the employee intranet?

Well, the answer is simple. If your end-goal is productivity, you must take into account their happiness. Employees are the biggest asset of any company, and they deserve to be treated as such.

Ensuring your staff know they are both important and needed is proven to increase their level of happiness within the workplace. Your employee intranet can be used as a tool to give your employees what they need, make their jobs easier, and show you value their time and opinions.

How does Happiness Link with Job Responsibilities?

The organizational culture of a company, particularly in large businesses, becomes extremely important. Fostering an environment of positivity, respect, and ambition is crucial to ensuring people remain happy and positive. You want your employees to feel empowered to address issues and work towards career development within the organization.

Employee Intranet

When employees feel frustrated, stressed or under-valued, it affects everything they do. When they do not have the tools and resources to do their jobs properly or are held accountable for things out of their control, the atmosphere can quickly turn into something negative.

Negativity is often linked to lower productivity and higher employee turnover.

Here at LS SharePoint Intranet, we are committed to creating employee intranets that give your staff exactly what they need to not only do their jobs but ensure it’s easier for them. We recommend that from the very initial stages of your employee intranet development, you involve your employees.

Find out what content they need, what resources they need, and who wants to be part of the regular contribution team. Use them to test functions, and ensure they’re getting exactly what THEY need to succeed.

Here are just a Few Ways our Employee Intranet will Make your Staff Lives Easier, and Allow them to be more Productive:

• Workflow Management: your employees no longer have to waste time filling out receptive forms for regular requests. It’s now a fast and easy process that’s completed online.

• Idea Box: employees can create their own competitions and collaborations to foster relationship-building, healthy competition, and personal growth.

Employee Intranet

• Surveys: employees can quickly and easily provide any type of feedback. Asking their opinions on important matters will make them feel valued, and allow you to uncover what their true needs are.

Birthdays: make every employee’s birthday special. It’ll be within the social features, just like on Facebook!

As you can see, we at LS SharePoint Intranet make all possible to improve companies’ productivity and efficiency, just try out helpful tools to make sure about that.

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